Hello Rick,

please use "Reply all" so the BTS will get also your information.

On 29.12.2016 23:44, Rick Lutowski wrote:
> Regarding the solutions in the web post you referenced:
> 1. My system /usr/bin already has a link pointing iceweasel to icedove.

You mean /usr/bin/iceweasel -> /usr/bin/firefox-esr ?

> 2. Running "update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" as root gives
> ---
> There are 3 choices for the alternative x-www-browser (providing
> /usr/bin/x-www-browser).
>    Selection    Path                  Priority   Status
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> * 0            /usr/bin/firefox-esr   70        auto mode
>    1            /usr/bin/chromium      40        manual mode
>    2            /usr/bin/firefox-esr   70        manual mode
>    3            /usr/bin/iceweasel     70
> ---
> This appears to be the correct configuration.

That's correct. But you shouldn't have /usr/bin/iceweasel alternative
here. Anyway, this is only indirect depended.

> 3. My home .icedove/../mimeTypes.rdf does not have an iceweasel
> reference. In fact, it has no browser reference at all. Thinking this
> might be the problem, I added the following to> mimeTypes.rdf
> ---
>   <RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:scheme:externalApplication:http"
>                     NC:prettyName="firefox"
>                     NC:path="/usr/bin/firefox" />
>    </RDF:Description>
>    <RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:scheme:externalApplication:https"
>                     NC:prettyName="firefox"
>                     NC:path="/usr/bin/firefox" />
>    </RDF:Description>
> ---
> After re-running icedove, this made no difference.  Error persists.
> Based on the info in your reply, am sure this is a configuration
> problem, maybe with mimeTypes.rdf, or maybe something else.
> Can you send me a sample mimeTypes.rdf properly configured for
> firefox for comparison with my mimeTypes.rdf?

There is no reason to configure this setting explicit to firefox. And
there is no reason to use a mimeTypes.rdf at all if the system defaults
are working. Icedove/Thunderbird is creating a new file if needed. So I
would try first to rename the existing mimeTypes.rdf so Icedove is using
the system defaults. Then you can add a single new rule for html to see
what is happen.

Please read also

> Because others are having this problem, it might be good to modify
> the next icedove release to allow html http and https handlers to be
> set or changed via menubar (Edit : Preferences : Attachments : Incoming).
> Can someone on the icedove development team do this before the next
> release?

No as this is user configuration side. There is no default configuration
without massive impact. This setting needs to be done by individual user.

Carsten Schoenert

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