Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: tags -1 + wontfix

(It's unlikely that we change this in aptitude or add new config options
to that effect, so setting the bug priority and tags accordingly... but
read on)


2016-08-13 15:10 shirish शिरीष:
in-line :-

On 11/08/2016, Axel Beckert <> wrote:
Hi shirish,

Hi Axel,


So unless you want to change aptitude's default, I don't see any bug
here and would like to close this bug report again.

Could you tell/share/remind why does aptitude do it differently than
apt-cache or axi-cache .  I do find using apt-cache or axi-cache
search to be better in this aspect rather than plain aptitude :(

I have always been telling friends that aptitude is better than other
package managers, more powerful and yet pretty convenient.

Is there some reason that we do not use the description wildcard when
searching for packages. ? And I know this will be a big change and
probably not welcomed by most/many sys-admins so not saying that.

If I were to change the behavior in my aptitude installation, where or
how I could do the change so the above behavior that you shared could
be simulated.

I forgot to share that I had seen both man apt.conf and the examples
given at /usr/share/doc/examples and specifically the
configure-index.gz but didn't become any wiser.

I would like to make changes and keep it at /etc/apt/apt.conf so when
the searches happen, it happens both for name as well as description .
Even doing it ~/.aptitude is ok but didn't see any possibilities in
either the aptitude or apt-conf man page.

Look forward to knowing more.

As Axel said, a more-or-less equivalent in bash would be:

 aptitude search {~d,~n}marathi

It's easy to add a function or an alias in bash to get the results:

 $ function aptitude_enhanced_search() { aptitude search {~d,~n}$1; }

 $ aptitude_enhanced_search marathi
 p   aspell-mr              - Marathi (mr) dictionary for GNU aspell
 p   festival-mr            - festival text to speech synthesizer for Marathi 
 p   festvox-mr-nsk         - Marathi male speaker for festival
 p   firefox-esr-l10n-mr    - Marathi language package for Firefox ESR
 p   firefox-l10n-mr        - Marathi language package for Firefox
 p   fonts-deva-extra       - Free fonts for Devanagari script
 i   fonts-gargi            - OpenType Devanagari font
 p   fonts-lohit-deva       - Lohit TrueType font for Devanagari script
 p   fonts-nakula           - Free Unicode compliant Devanagari font
 p   fonts-sahadeva         - Free Unicode compliant Devanagari font
 p   fonts-samyak-deva      - Samyak TrueType font for Devanagari script
 p   fonts-sarai            - truetype font for devanagari script
 p   gcompris-sound-mr      - Indian Marathi sound files for GCompris
 p   hyphen-mr              - Marathi hyphenation patterns for LibreOffice
 p   iceweasel-l10n-mr      - Marathi language package for Iceweasel - 
Transitional package
 p   iok                    - Indic Onscreen Keyboard
 p   iok:i386               - Indic Onscreen Keyboard
 p   kde-l10n-mr            - Marathi (mr) localization files for KDE
 p   libreoffice-l10n-mr    - office productivity suite -- Marathi language 
 p   task-marathi           - Marathi environment
 p   task-marathi-desktop   - Marathi desktop
 p   tesseract-ocr-mar      - tesseract-ocr language files for Marathi

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <>

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