Control: severity -1 important

On Sat, 31 Dec 2016 04:56:37 -0500 Matthew Gabeler-Lee wrote:

> This bug seems like it maybe should be higher severity than 'normal'.

Agreed. I am setting the severity to "important", since this bug seems
to have a major effect on the usability of reportbug, even though it
does not make it completely unusable

> On
> systems that have 7.1.1 installed, I can't seem to run reportbug no matter
> what I do.

In my case, reportbug reads my e-mail address from the DEBEMAIL
environment variable, while my name is read from the DEBFULLNAME
environment variable.


  Francesco Poli (wintermute)

which also includes some characters which are not letters, digits, or
underscores [\w], nor whitespace characters [\s]: in my case, the
non-matching characters are the parentheses.
In the case of Matthew, it's probably the hyphen between the double
In the case of Bernhard, I guess it's the dot after the first letter of
the middle name.

The consequence is that the regexp at line 313 of
does not match and the subsequent return statement (line 314) is not
The Python interpreter attempts to execute line 316, where the email
string has no attribute 'utils'.

I am under the impression that the email string variable is masking the
email module, or something like that?!?

Anyway, if I set:

  $ DEBFULLNAME="Francesco Poli"

reportbug is able to run.

I hope this bug may be fixed soon.
Thanks for your time!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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