
Same bug here. From the stacktrace, it looks quite related to #836567...



On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 8:49 AM, Jean-Luc Coulon
<jean-luc.cou...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> Hi Manuel,
> 1 - Happy 2017 for you and your family :)
> 2 - I've not always the problem, this explains the late answer. I get it
> 100% with the curses interface, but not with the command line.
> 3 - Yes this occurs also with 0.8.4-1
> 4 - I had to rebuild the package because it is supplied stripped (the
> dbgsyms package is not supplied in the repositories).
> 5 - Please find attached the backtrace for "aptitude upgrade"
> 6 - the same with "aptitude install ssh"
> Best regards
> Jean-Luc
> Le 31/12/2016 à 17:16, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo a écrit :
>> --args aptitude install pkgs_that_you_want_installed

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