Control: retitle -1 jessie-pu: package nvidia-graphics-drivers/340.101-1

On 2016-12-31 18:36, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-11-30 at 15:53 +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>> again we have some CVEs in the proprietary nvidia driver:
>> CVE-2016-7382, CVE-2016-7389: #846331

> Please go ahead; apologies for the delay.

I just uploaded the next upstream release 340.101 fixing another CVE:

  * New upstream legacy 340xx branch release 340.101 (2016-12-14).
    * Fixed CVE-2016-8826.  (Closes: #848195)
    * Improved compatibility with recent Linux kernels.

Some patches added/removed, but no further packaging changes over the
big lot in 340.98.


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