On Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 11:27:26PM +0000, Kristian Klausen wrote:
> So I looked a bit on the code, and I think the issue is caused by line 
> 11 in console-setup (*), the line make so console-setup.sh does 
> nothing at first run after boot, and as console-setup.service is only 
> run once per boot, setupcon (which configure keyboard layout) is never 
> run.

Yes, in this case setupcon is never run from console-setup.sh.  However 
there is no need to use setupcon in order to configure the font because 
this is done by /lib/udev/rules.d/90-console-setup.rules and the 
keyboard is configured by /lib/systemd/system/keyboard-setup.service.

> As it is a live-image, every boot is "first boot" as Anton said could 
> give issue.

How big is is this image?  Will it be possible to send it to me so I can 

Anton Zinoviev

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