On Fri, 2017-01-06 at 22:09 -0500, Gedalya wrote:
> I've confirmed the problem appeared with systemd 232-1.
> Downgrading to systemd 231-10 fixes everything.
> This no doubt has to do with me refusing to use systemd as my init, using
> sysvinit instead.

Can you try with systemd as init system and report back, then?
> This correlates with the shutdown, reboot, hibernate, suspend items grayed
> out in lightdm-gtk-greeter being grayed out, being unable to do anything
> with the network-manager applet inside the user session, etc.
> These problems have come and gone multiple times in the last couple of
> years, but this particular issue with light-locker is a first for me.

Then maybe cgmanager or something in the sysvinit path needs to be updated. In
any way, it doesn't look like an issue in light-locker.


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