1) monit doesn't support systemd.  If you are ready to support this
   package for systemd - please do.

I just use monit on a Debian system with its default init system. I would expect monit to work on such a system. If it does not, this should be noted in the documentation and also probably declare appropriate dependencies (e.g. to require certain init system or conflict systemd) in the package meta information. Not sure whether I missed something in this direction. I already proposed a solution that could work on all systems in my initial email.

2) "This is not the case when used via monit." - and why it's the monit
   problem, but not systemd*?

I think that this issue could be handled better on the monit side, but feel free to forward this to the systemd maintainers.

I consider the compatibility approach for /etc/init.d (sysvinit) by systemd very hackish and thus I would prefer a more general solution to control services. According to https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/Incompatibilities/ calling init scripts directly is also discouraged by LSB.

stretch contains the essential package init-system-helpers for this.

3) I would suggest calling the "service".
   - I was already suggested before.  The reason for using more low-level
     instruments is that this prevents from using service dependencies
     from LSB headers.  If you use monit - probably it does make sense
     to use also it to handle dependencies.  At least, by default.
     See also https://bugs.debian.org/791667, where it was discussed.

     I'm open to reconsider this, but please avoid using systemd
     in your argumentation.

I was talking about using the /usr/sbin/service binary. In #791667 as far as I can see only invoke-rc.d was suggested.

I agree, that maintainer script requirements may not apply to the monit configuration, but would strongly encourage you to consider a more general solution for controlling services. /usr/sbin/service as well as invoke-rc.d (maybe event with --force) seem to be alternatives worth considering.

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