Control: tag -1 -moreinfo
Hi Sean,
Thanks for your interest in flask-login!
> Can a potential sponsor work out of your Vcs-Git repository?
The Python modules team has a standard location for git repositories on alioth
so that's where I've kept it. Commit access is automatic for all DDs and by
request for anyone else. You just have to abide by the policy
( which amounts to "use a
git-dpm workflow unless there's a good reason not to".
> I notice that the changelog suite in your repository is unstable,
> but in the RFS you indicate that you want this package to be
> uploaded to experimental. Which is right?
I initially chose experimental because I didn't want to interfere with the
stretch freeze, but I was since told that it was fine to upload to unstable
since the migration to testing is handled differently during the freeze. I only
want to upload to experimental if it's necessary because of the freeze (I'm not
targeting stretch), otherwise unstable is preferable.
>> I have dropped the Python 2 module binary package since there
>> were no rdeps and my understanding is that going forward we
>> don't want to keep around unnecessary Python 2 packages.
> I'm not on the python modules team -- could you how you got this
> understanding? I'm not doubting your knowledge, but I'd like to
> confirm.
From the lintian tag new-package-should-not-package-python2-module:
This package appears to be the first packaging of a new upstream
software package but it appears to package a module for Python 2.
The 2.x series of Python is due for deprecation and will not be
maintained past 2020 so it is recommended that Python 2 modules
are not packaged unless necessary.
This warning can be ignored if the package is not intended for
Debian or if it is a split of an existing Debian package.
Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain
Check: scripts, Type: binary
This is not a new package obviously, but since the Python 2 module has no rdeps
I figured that dropping it was in line with the above goal. It's no problem to
reinstate it though.
>> * Relicense debian/* as Expat to match upstream.
> Only Tonnerre Lombard can relicense Tonnerre Lombard's work.
> Please revert this change.
I understand, but the reason I felt I could do this was because I've overwritten
pretty much every line under debian/ apart from the old changelog entry and the
upstream license text. Anyway I've reverted the copyright to GPL-2+ in a new
upload to mentors & git.
> If you're able to address the issues I've raised in this message,
> please remove the moreinfo tag in this bug, and don't forget to
> re-run `dch -r` to refresh the changelog timestamp.