
On 2017-01-11 03:14:13 +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-01-06 at 13:46:14 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > On 2017-01-06 13:15:18 +0100, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > > That the system probably has some unnattended async calls to a
> > > command that locks the dpkg database?
> > 
> > Such as? In any case, there is nothing in the dpkg/apt logs that
> > would suggest that.
> Do you happen to have something installed like unattended-upgrades
> or apt-dater perhaps?

On the machine where this problem occurred, I have neither
unattended-upgrades nor apt-dater.

In case it does a lock, I have popularity-contest, but according to
/var/log/popularity-contest*, it didn't run on that date.

In /etc/cron.daily, I can see in particular:

but I don't know if one of them locks the dpkg database. Anyway,
according to journalctl, no cron jobs were started at 11:24.

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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