11.01.2017 08:29, Peter Colberg wrote:
> Hi Michael,
>> Proper "fix" for this wishlist is to make display modular. Every
>> qemu release makes this closer, but it is not there in 2.8 yet.
>> So we have stretch without modular display in qemu, and qemu in
>> stretch will pull a few more libs than in jessie.
> The recent activity this summer is promising:
> http://wiki.qemu.org/Features/Modules#Modularization_Status

I can say more: I tried to cook a quick-n-dirty hack to modularize
just gtk for Debian, we don't need to modularize every display backend,
only one should be enough, and we don't really need to make the solution
clean and lean, it should work in a specific case and this is enough.

>> And even with modular display, once again, lots of other things
>> brings various interesting depencencies. So even modular display
>> wont actually fix this wishlist.
> Having GTK as a module would be a big step forward already.

Quick-n-dirty modular-GTK hack sort of works. However, after I
looked at the dependencies of gtk display once I also enabled virgl,
I understood it isn't worth the effort, since virgl already brings
mesa which brings more X stuff, and gtk-specific part of the deps
is quite small.  I guess it will be worse in subsequent versions of
qemu when more features will be added.

As I mentioned, it wasn't an easy decision :)



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