tags 349944 + upstream unreproducible
retitle 349944 [GST0.10] Seek slider and track time reporting broekn


On Wed, Jan 25, 2006, EspeonEefi wrote:
> The slider which is supposed to show the time elapsed in the currently
> playing track is totally borked. It stays stuck at 0:00; it doesn't
> update, the total track time displayed does not change when the track
> changes.

 I'm afraid I don't see this behavior.  Perhaps it's caused by a
 specific file format you use?  Did you experience this problem in the
 past, or only recently?  Do you see the problem with various formats
 (Ogg, MP3...)?

> This may be related to more serious problems in Rhythmbox's ability to
> keep track of the time elapsed in the currently playing track. The
> tooltip for the Rhythmbox notification area icon does update the total
> track time correctly. However, the current time is either 0:00 or some
> insane value (e.g., right now it says 82566:03:01 of 0:01:05).

 That's weird.

 In general, Rhythmbox uses GStreamer to track such informations.  The
 next release (0.9.3) -- due real soon -- will probably be built against
 GStreamer 0.10 in Debian, which might solve your problem.


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