Control: fixed -1 2.0-1

On Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 12:25:04AM -0500, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> Upstream has a few new features that are interesting. It seems a bunch
> of issues were merged back in, including some of our own work.

i think that was refering to the xorg upstream, but maybe also the
carla-v one.

> We don't need our own patches for this package to work well with the
> original (xorg62) upstream.

Not sure what that meant, but we have been following the xorg upstream
since 2.0-1...

> We'll see how it goes, but I am worried that this will create
> confusion and inconsistencies, as upstream doesn't seem to have picked
> up on the releases done in the carla-v fork. :/

This was fixed as part of PR #19 upstream:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 09:22:03AM -0400, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> I have made a new adhoc release with the 2.1 and informed upstream:
> Not sure what will happen here - it seems no one cares about tagged
> releases anymore... Maybe I'll just keep on maintaining those tags on
> the debian side of things for now.

No movement there still, unfortunately, even though upstream merged two
of my suggested patches. Not sure how to handle this...


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