From steamos point-of-view, this is a _native_ package, versioned 1.34.

As this is developed elsewhere, from Debian's point of view,
this would be a non-native package, starting with version 1.34 .

A packager would have to start from:

The helper tool (git-build-package for example) will ignore the debian/ 
directory from this tarball
& then you would have to provide your own (which can be based on upstream's 
debian/ directory)

Le samedi 14 janvier 2017, 16 h 21 min 19 s CET Bogdan Vatra a écrit :
> I imported the srcs here
>  . I changed it a little bit to fix debian better.
> BogDan.

All these steps are needed to keep a clear separation of upstream
and Debian development.


I don't have the hardware device & would prefer to have it packaged by someone
who has one; but but still I can provide some hints:
-> debian mentors is the best place to get start with packaging
-> this is best if this is team-maintained by the Games Team,
    so the little things (and big ones) can be fixed if main uploader
    is not currently available

Alexandre Detiste

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