Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : privacy-badger
  Version         : release-2016.12.15.1
  Upstream Author : Name <>
* URL             : <URL:>
* License         : GPL-3
  Programming Lang: JavaScript
  Description     : browser plug-in that blocks spying ads and invisible 

    Privacy Badger blocks spying ads and invisible trackers. It's
    there to ensure that companies can't track your browsing without
    your consent.

    This extension is designed to automatically protect your privacy
    from third party trackers that load invisibly when you browse the
    web. We send the Do Not Track header with each request, and our
    extension evaluates the likelihood that you are still being
    tracked. If the algorithm deems the likelihood is too high, we
    automatically block your browser from responding to the domain.

 \       “[T]he speed of response of the internet will re-introduce us |
  `\    to that from which our political systems have separated us for |
_o__)    so long, the consequences of our own actions.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney <>

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