
> here's a status update.

And another one :)

> tl;dr: almost everything is done or waiting to migrate to testing;

There's been a bit of progress since then.

> there's one question for Ulrike below,

That's still the case (I think that Icedove is the only thing left to
take care of at this point).

> and one topic (telepathy-mission-control-5) about which I'd
> appreciate some input from you folks.

I went ahead and don't need input anymore.

> I'll keep this bug open until everything is fixed at
> least in sid. It would be super cool if more of us switched their testing/sid 
> system
> with AppArmor enabled to merged-/usr, in order to identify remaining
> issues before our users face them.

Both are still the case.

> intrigeri:
>>> 1. the AppArmor profiles Git repo

>> Ready for review:
>> https://code.launchpad.net/~intrigeri/apparmor-profiles/+git/apparmor-profiles/+merge/312411

> This was merged yesterday, and I've just uploaded
> apparmor-profiles-extra with these changes applied.

Now in testing.

>>> 2. upstream software repos (at least libvirt)

>> Sent patch to libvirt upstream:
>> https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2016-December/msg00080.html

> Merged upstream, applied in sid (2.5.0-2), but the migration to
> testing is blocked by a RC bug in src:ceph.

That RC bug was fixed and if nothing goes wrong, those should migrate
in 5 days.

>>> 3. other profiles shipped in Debian

>>  * icedove: fix included in my merge request against the AppArmor
>>    profiles repo

> This made its way to the apparmor-profiles shared repo. I guess some
> additional action is needed to have it in the icedove package.
> Ulrike, do you want to take care of this?


>>  * telepathy-mission-control-5: patch submitted (Debian#847065); same
>>    as evince, will flow to Ubuntu at some point

> No reply there, I wonder if I should NMU with my patch + the one
> proposed on #814900. Opinions?



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