Hi Ian,

On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 10:58 +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Wolodja Wentland writes ("Bug#851654: Prerm maintainer script unconditionally
> stops xend/xenconsoled"): > We triggered a xen stop by removing obsolete
> xen-utils-4.1 packages while already using xen-utils-4.4.

> I think a xenconsoled restart should be harmless, so I think it is
> probably right that the maintainer scripts end up stopping the old
> xenconsoled and starting a new one, at least unless it's going to be
> away for a long time.

It makes perfect sense for them to restart xenconsoled during package upgrades
which the combination of prerm and postinst scripts achieves for upgrades of the
same versioned package. Upgrades of xen-utils-4.{1,4,8} will all stop
xenconsoled during the prerm run and start it again in the postinst run of the
upgraded package.

The problem we encountered, however, was that we removed obsolete packages
(xen-utils-4.1) after the postinst script of a newer one (xen-utils-4.4) had
already started xenconsoled. The prerm script of xen-utils-4.1 thereby stopped a
daemon that was started by the postinst script of xen-utils-4.4 and xenconsoled
was no longer running as a result. If the maintainer scripts of these versioned
packages would only deal with 'their' version this would not happen.
Wolodja <deb...@babilen5.org>

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