
I ran into this issue on a armv7l system today running a current
testing. As https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/pillow.html suggests
version 4.0.0-3 depends on olefile, which won't make it into stretch, as
it arrived in unstable some days after the soft freeze, I assume that
pillow >= 4 won't make it to stretch either. Will there be an updated
3.4.2 version of the package adressing this issue?

Kind regards,
Benedikt Wildenhain

Benedikt Wildenhain, M.Sc., Wiss. Mitarbeiter - Hardwarenahe IT-Systeme
Hochschule Bochum - Bochum University of Applied Sciences
Campus Velbert/Heiligenhaus - http://www.hs-bochum.de/cvh/
Höseler Platz 2, Heiligenhaus, Raum 2.28, Tel +49 (0)2056 158744

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