Hi Leo,

On 22.01.2017 20:06, Leo P. Singer wrote:
> I was hoping to do another release anyway to address Bug#793248:
> "healpy: change of type in system_error might break with GCC-5"
> (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=793248). I put
> some changes on master for the gcc5 transition:

I think that we can't do this in the moment: we are in a transition
freeze since november, and that means that we can' rename a shared
library for the moment. I however think that this is also not needed at
all -- the previous library was already built with gcc-6. The only
package the depends on libhealpix-cxx0 is healpy, and this had an upload
end of last year (so, it is already built agains this library version).
Therefore, you should revert the file name change, and just close the
bug. It is already fixed automatically.

The other problem (which was the cause for this bug) is not just
recompiling against the new libcfitsio, but to remove the version check
for cfitsio completely: Since version handling is done within the Debian
packaging system, the library doesn't need to check it. In
fitshandle.cc, at the end, there is

if (v_header!=v_library)
  cerr << endl << "WARNING: version mismatch between CFITSIO header (v"
       << dataToString(v_header*0.001) << ") and linked library (v"
       << dataToString(v_library*0.001) << ")." << endl << endl;

which should just be removed in a patch.

Best regards


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