On Mon, 23 Jan 2017 19:56:37 +0500
Andrey Rahmatullin <w...@debian.org> wrote:

> Oh, and as this NMU doesn't deserve a short delay, it will miss stretch
> and so should be uploaded to experimental until the freeze is over, unless
> I'm miscalculating.

This makes me angry and disappointed. I reported
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=841445 many months ago and
posted "ping replies" and nothing was done to resolve it - either by the
maintainer, who was missing-in-action and not for the first time - or by a
different Debian contributor. And now you tell me that the new release of
Debian will ship an old version of freecell-solver with some documented crashes
and freezes and other bugs.

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