Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : lac
  Version         : 3.42
  Upstream Author : Robert J. Bosen
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : new incarnation of a "classic" flight game GL-117

LINUX AIR COMBAT is a free, open-source combat flight simulator developed by for the LINUX community. It was derived from the well-known
"classic" flight game known as "GL-117", but this new incarnation has been
extensively re-written and improved.

* Free and open source distribution
* A growing list of World War II aircraft (now 17 different flyable aircraft)
* A theoretical Jet fighter with performance similar to the General Dynamics F16
* Very smooth, high-performance graphics yield high frame rates even on modest
  computer hardware
* 44 flight/view functions can be mapped to any detected joystick axis, button,
  or keyboard key
* Industry-standard "Air Warrior" style viewsystem is easily configurable for
  other view options
* Low-Speed Stalls
* High-Speed Compressibility
* High-G Blackouts and Redouts
* Realistic high-altitude degredation of engine performance
* Fuel consumption is proportional to engine load including WEP/Afterburner
* Simulated RADAR to help locate opponents
* Simulated IFF to help Identify Friend verses Foe
* Guns combat
* Missile combat
* Flares and Chaff operable as missile countermeasures
* Free flight mission
* Four tutorial missions with detailed audio narration to help beginners get
  a quick start
* Six Offline combat missions
* Online "Head to Head" mission suitable for air racing or combat (2 players
  only. No server required.)
* Six-player Internet mission in Pacific island terrain  (requires access to
  Linux Air Combat Server)
* Ten-player Internet mission in desert terrain (requires access to Linux Air
  Combat Server)
* Ten-player Internet mission in island terrain (requires access to Linux Air
  Combat Server)
* New "LAC Network Manager" helps you find friends and opponents for Internet
* User-loadable graphic aircraft models support the venerable, well-known
  ".3ds" format
* User-loadable background music, sound effects, and narration files support
  industry-standard ".wav" format
* "Talking Cockpit" can verbalize target location so you can hear it without
  diverting your eyes
* Innovative "Network Router Panel" on cockpit shows network telemetry and
  comms data from other players
* Best-of-breed network user management with interplayer status messages on
  the cockpit panel
* Powerful integration with "Mumble" for world-class voice communication
  between players
* Dedicated Mumble server manages a rich heirarchy of voice radio channels
  and online help
* 16 Comms-related functions can be mapped to any keyboard key
* In active development and subject to frequent improvements

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