Hi Anibal,

It has been a long time since we last caught up!
As part of the Cambridge BSP this weekend [1] I have been looking at
lisence violations such as the one in this bug that is marked as RC.

It is my understanding that there is no problems with the "All rights
reserved" statement included in many of the files without then including
the 3-clause BSD licence text as there is no requirement (only a
recommendation) for licences to appear inside each file only an
overriding external licence text.  This is present.


Dmitry also points out that there are several files with 4-Clause BSD
licences explicit within them, namely:

As Dmitry points out that this is non-DFSG compliant, so it is these two
files that are the cause for concern

This bug was raised August 2015, and I have not been able to find any
activity since.  Do you have a plan of how to deal with this issue prior
to the release of Stretch?

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2017/01/gb/Cambridge

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