Control: severity -1 important

On 31/01/17 17:41, Markus Frosch wrote:
> Hello Release team
> - top post for referencing-
> I'd like to ask you about views of this bug.
> We can do the following:
> 1) Update icinga2 to 2.6.1 which includes some other useful changes (see 
> below)
> 2) stretch-ignore the bug, since MySQL 5.7 won't be included in stretch
>    (Problem: backports might make a problem then)

If this only happens with mysql-5.7 but not with mariadb-10.1, then this is not
RC. Downgrading. Please bump again if it also happens with mariadb.

It would still be nice to fix this, obviously.

> I could also patch some of the crashing issues, but would rather prefer 2.6.1
> as a cleaner update to maintain in stretch.

Please file an unblock bug with a debdiff or a diff to the new upstream version.


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