Hi Ivan--

On Sun 2017-01-29 13:57:19 -0500, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
>       [Apologies for not actually checking if the problem described is
>       relevant to Debian testing.]

i'm not sure which exact problem is the one you think is most important,
but if this is it:

>       Long story short, I’ve recently tried to install Mutt on a
>       “headless,” tty-over-SSH-only server.  To my surprise, APT found
>       that it depends on libgtk2.0-0!  Thankfully, no, Mutt wasn’t
>       upgraded to provide a GUI; the problem was in the
>       ‘pinentry-gtk2’ package – which is required by gnupg-agent,
>       which is in turn required by gnupg2, and thus libgpgme11.
>       (JFTR, I’m aware of pinentry-curses.)

then you'll be glad to know that the depenencies in debian testing are
such that pinentry-curses is the only thing that would be installed
automatically on a headless server.  I think that's a reasonable

Note that even on jessie, if you do:

    apt install pinentry-curses
    apt install mutt

then you dont' get the heavyweight libgtk dependency chain.

>       To make things weirder, Mutt doesn’t even /use/ GPGME in its
>       default settings (whether upstream or Debian; see below); but of
>       course being built with such support, the binary (or, rather,
>       ld.so) requires the library to run.

i believe (and hope!) that newer versions of mutt will use gpgme by

>       And indeed, providing an otherwise empty, “fake” gnupg2 package
>       [1] made it possible to install and use Mutt with no obvious ill
>       effects (using [2] as the test file.)  For instance:

this seems like a lot of work, compared to just manually installing
pinentry-curses before installing mutt, no?

>       From the above, I conclude that ‘gnupg2’ is not strictly
>       necessary to run Mutt (and presumably other packages built with
>       GPGME support), and thus per [3] (quoted below) should be
>       requested with Recommends: rather than Depends:.

you're doing pretty heavy surgery on these tools in order to reach a
"graceful" failure state.  If you're ok doing that surgery, then i'm ok
with you getting to deal with the aftereffects ;)

As a maintainer, though, i'd really rather have the defaults Just Work.
I agree with you that the default dependency chain in Jessie is too
heavy (see https://bugs.debian.org/764292), but it's rather complicated
to switch that around in jessie today.  It will be better in stretch. :)

>       This issue is perhaps less relevant to Debian testing, as there
>       GnuPG 2 finally replaced GnuPG 1.  Still, it’s possible to rely
>       on the ‘gpgv’ package for OpenPGP signature validation (just as
>       ‘apt’ does), and avoid the use of the full-weight ‘gnupg’
>       package.

I don't think that's technically correct, for either mutt or for
libgpgme.  gpgv is a specially-targeted tool, which expects a
well-curated keyring and does not do any certificate validation or
management.  If there's a way that people are trying to use gpgv with
mutt, i'd like to hear about it though!

I'm going ahead and closing this bug because i think the underlying
request has already been addressed quite some time ago in testing (see
#764292, as mentioned above), but feel free to keep chatting here or on
pkg-gnupg-ma...@lists.alioth.debian.org if you want to follow up.

Thanks for the report,


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