On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 12:39:23AM +0100, Axel Beckert wrote:
>Control: retitle -1 wicd: Does not work on IPv6-only networks
>Control: forcemerge 854176 -1
>Hi Steve,
>Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> I found this over the weekend at FOSDEM.
>You're not the only one: https://bugs.debian.org/854176 :-)

ACK. When I first looked for an existing bug, that wasn't there... :-)

>Merging these two bug reports.
>> I've dug into this, and I can see why. If DHCP doesn't return a v4
>> lease on a connection attempt (dhcp_failed), it aborts the
>> connection.
>Same question to you as to the other reporter: Have you tried to
>configure a static IPv4 dummy address as workaround? (Just out of
>curiosity if that's a workaround which could be recommended until
>the issue is fixed properly.)

Ah, didn't think of that. That's a possible thing to try,
yes. As/when/if I get the time to play with this again (maybe on a
separate test network at home), I'll give that a try.

>> I've started to hack on this a little bit over the weekend to see if
>> there's an easy fix (if no v4 lease acquired, check to see if a
>> global v6 address has been assigned),
>Much appreciated!
>> but I ran out of time to test this properly.
>Understandable. FOSDEM is always too short and there's too much to
>see. :-)

*grin* Exactly.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
The two hard things in computing:
 * naming things
 * cache invalidation
 * off-by-one errors                  -- Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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