Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock
X-Debbugs-Cc: Andreas Tille <>

Dear release team,

please unblock clhep

It solves RC #820797 "clhep: non-free file; incomplete copyright" with
severity: serious.

Relevant changelog:

clhep ( unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * Team upload
  * Replace psfig by graphicx
    Closes: #820797
  * DEP5 copyright to enable using Files-Excluded: */psfig.sty

 -- Ole Streicher <>  Tue, 07 Feb 2017 12:01:31 +0100

The debdiff is attached. Relevant command:

unblock clhep/

Thank you very much


diff -Nru clhep- clhep-
--- clhep-      2015-08-16 20:04:58.000000000 +0200
+++ clhep- 2017-02-07 12:01:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+clhep ( unstable; urgency=medium
+  [ Andreas Tille ]
+  * Team upload
+  * Replace psfig by graphicx
+    Closes: #820797
+  * DEP5 copyright to enable using Files-Excluded: */psfig.sty
+ -- Ole Streicher <>  Tue, 07 Feb 2017 12:01:31 +0100
 clhep ( unstable; urgency=medium
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -Nru clhep- clhep-
--- clhep-      2013-12-14 09:49:56.000000000 +0100
+++ clhep- 2017-02-07 11:48:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-This package was debianized by Lifeng Sun <> on
-Wed, 11 May 2011 18:43:56 +0800. All of the Debian packaging stuff
-written by us are released under the GPL-3.0.
+Files-Excluded: */psfig.sty
-It was downloaded from
-Upstream Author:
+Files: *
 Copyright 1992-2012 CLHEP Editors <>
-License: GPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0
+License: GPL-3.0 or LGPL-3.0
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013 Lifeng Sun <>
+License: GPL-3.0
 License: GPL-3.0
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
diff -Nru clhep- 
--- clhep-        
1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ clhep-   
2017-02-07 11:48:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Description: Replace psfig by graphicx
+ psfig is non-free and graphicx can do the same job
+Author: Andreas Tille <>
+Last-Update: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 11:21:20 +0100
+--- a/GenericFunctions/doc/genericFunctions.tex
++++ b/GenericFunctions/doc/genericFunctions.tex
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ \documentclass{report}
+ \oddsidemargin 0.0in
+ \evensidemargin 0.0in
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}
+@@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ enough to be built easily but complicate
+ features of the library.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \caption{Example.  Use of Generic Functions libary.  See text for 
+ \label{ref:ExampleCode}
+ \end{figure}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \caption{Picture of the example application which is discussed in the text.
+ Above, the impulse function shows both slots wide open. Each of the sliders
+ changes parameters and causes the plotter to update.  Below, the response 
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ shows the classic two-slit interference
+ \end{figure}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \caption{The parameter values are now changed.  All of the functions, both 
+ and derived, change their shape in response.  Not that changing one parameter 
+ affected both functions.}
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ affected both functions.}
+ \end{figure}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \caption{The second slit has been effectively closed, by setting the intensity
+ of light through this slit to zero.  The two-slit interference pattern then
+ reduces to single-slit diffraction.  This simple classroom demonstration 
+@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ by forming a three dimensional function
+ the illustration is the probability density function for a higher excited
+ state of hydrogen. 
+ \begin{figure}
+ \caption{Multidimensional functions can be expressed as a direct product
+ of lower dimensional functions; this example combines a Legendre Polynomial
+ with the product of an exponential, a power function and a Laguerre Polynomial
+--- a/GenericFunctions/doc/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/GenericFunctions/doc/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ clhep_latex( GenericFunctions genericFun
+-                                             psfig.sty )
++                                    )
diff -Nru clhep- 
--- clhep- 2014-04-25 23:59:57.000000000 +0200
+++ clhep-    2017-02-07 11:54:11.000000000 
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
diff -Nru clhep- clhep-
--- clhep-  2013-12-14 09:49:56.000000000 +0100
+++ clhep-     2017-02-07 11:48:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+opts="repacksuffix=+dfsg,dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg//g" \ 
tarFiles/clhep-([\d.]+)\.tgz debian ./debian/get-orig-source
diff -Nru clhep- 
--- clhep-        2010-06-16 
20:22:01.000000000 +0200
+++ clhep-   1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,995 +0,0 @@
-% Psfig/TeX 
-\def\setDriver{\DvipsDriver} % \DvipsDriver or \OzTeXDriver
-% All software, documentation, and related files in this distribution of
-% psfig/tex are Copyright 1993 Trevor J. Darrell
-% Permission is granted for use and non-profit distribution of psfig/tex 
-% providing that this notice is clearly maintained. The right to
-% distribute any portion of psfig/tex for profit or as part of any commercial
-% product is specifically reserved for the author(s) of that portion.
-% To use with LaTeX, use \documentstyle[psfig,...]{...}
-% To use with TeX, use \input psfig.sty
-% Bugs and improvements to
-% Thanks to Ned Batchelder, Greg Hager (GDH), J. Daniel Smith (JDS),
-% Tom Rokicki (TR), Robert Russell (RR), George V. Reilly (GVR),
-% Ken McGlothlen (KHC), Baron Grey (BG), Gerhard Tobermann (GT).
-% and all others who have contributed code and comments to this project!
-% ======================================================================
-% Modification History:
-%  9 Oct 1990   JDS    used more robust bbox reading code from Tom Rokicki
-% 29 Mar 1991   JDS    implemented rotation= option
-% 25 Jun 1991   RR     if bb specified on cmd line don't check
-%                      for .ps file.
-%  3 Jul 1991  JDS     check if file already read in once
-%  4 Sep 1991  JDS     fixed incorrect computation of rotated
-%                      bounding box
-% 25 Sep 1991  GVR     expanded synopsis of \psfig
-% 14 Oct 1991  JDS     \fbox code from LaTeX so \psdraft works with TeX
-%                      changed \typeout to \ps@typeout
-% 17 Oct 1991  JDS     added \psscalefirst and \psrotatefirst
-% 23 Jun 1993   KHC     ``doclip'' must appear before ``rotate''
-% 27 Oct 1993   TJD    removed printing of filename to avoid 
-%                      underscore problems. changed \frame to \fbox.
-%                      Added OzTeX support from BG. Added new
-%                      figure search path code from GT.
-% ======================================================================
-% Command synopsis:
-% \psdraft     draws an outline box, but doesn't include the figure
-%              in the DVI file.  Useful for previewing.
-% \psfull      includes the figure in the DVI file (default).
-% \psscalefirst width= or height= specifies the size of the figure
-%              before rotation.
-% \psrotatefirst (default) width= or height= specifies the size of the
-%               figure after rotation.  Asymetric figures will
-%               appear to shrink.
-% \psfigurepath{dir:dir:...}  sets the path to search for the figure
-% \psfig
-% usage: \psfig{file=, figure=, height=, width=,
-%                      bbllx=, bblly=, bburx=, bbury=,
-%                      rheight=, rwidth=, clip=, angle=, silent=}
-%      "file" is the filename.  If no path name is specified and the
-%              file is not found in the current directory,
-%              it will be looked for in directory \psfigurepath.
-%      "figure" is a synonym for "file".
-%      By default, the width and height of the figure are taken from
-%              the BoundingBox of the figure.
-%      If "width" is specified, the figure is scaled so that it has
-%              the specified width.  Its height changes proportionately.
-%      If "height" is specified, the figure is scaled so that it has
-%              the specified height.  Its width changes proportionately.
-%      If both "width" and "height" are specified, the figure is scaled
-%              anamorphically.
-%      "bbllx", "bblly", "bburx", and "bbury" control the PostScript
-%              BoundingBox.  If these four values are specified
-%               *before* the "file" option, the PSFIG will not try to
-%               open the PostScript file.
-%      "rheight" and "rwidth" are the reserved height and width
-%              of the figure, i.e., how big TeX actually thinks
-%              the figure is.  They default to "width" and "height".
-%      The "clip" option ensures that no portion of the figure will
-%              appear outside its BoundingBox.  "clip=" is a switch and
-%              takes no value, but the `=' must be present.
-%      The "angle" option specifies the angle of rotation (degrees, ccw).
-%      The "silent" option makes \psfig work silently.
-% ======================================================================
-% check to see if macros already loaded in (maybe some other file says
-% "\input psfig") ...
-% from a suggestion by to allow
-% loading as a style file. Changed to avoid problems
-% with amstex per suggestion by
-       \ps@typeout{psfig/tex \PsfigVersion -dvips}
-\def\PsfigSpecials{\DvipsSpecials}     \def\ps@dir{/}
-\def\ps@predir{} }
-       \ps@typeout{psfig/tex \PsfigVersion -oztex}
-       \def\PsfigSpecials{\OzTeXSpecials}
-       \def\ps@dir{:}
-       \def\ps@predir{:}
-       \catcode`\^^J=5
-%% Here's how you define your figure path.  Should be set up with null
-%% default and a user useable definition.
-%%% inserted for Searching Unixpaths
-%%% (the path must end with :)
-%%% (call: \DoPaths\figurepath )
-\def\EachPath#1:#2\stoplist{% #1 part of the list (delimiter :)
-  \ExistsFile{#1}{\SearchedFile}
-  \ifx#2\leer
-  \else
-    \expandafter\EachPath#2\stoplist
-  \fi}
-% exists the file (does not work for directories!)
-   \openin1=\ps@predir#1\ps@dir#2
-   \ifeof1
-       \closein1
-       %\ps@typeout{...not: \ps@predir#1\ps@dir#2}
-   \else
-       \closein1
-       %\ps@typeout{  \ps@predir#1\ps@dir#2}
-        \ifx\ps@founddir\leer
-          %\ps@typeout{set founddir #1}
-           \edef\ps@founddir{#1}
-        \fi
-   \fi}
-% Get dir in path or error
-  \def\ps@founddir{}
-  \def\SearchedFile{#1}
-  \DoPaths\figurepath
-%  \fi
-%%% END of Searching Unixpaths
-% @psdo control structure -- similar to Latex @for.
-% I redefined these with different names so that psfig can
-% be used with TeX as well as LaTeX, and so that it will not 
-% be vunerable to future changes in LaTeX's internal
-% control structure,
-\def\@psdo#1:=#2\do#3{\edef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
-    \expandafter\@psdoloop#2,\@nil,\@nil\@@#1{#3}\fi}
-\def\@psdoloop#1,#2,#3\@@#4#5{\def#4{#1}\ifx #4\@nnil \else
-       #5\def#4{#2}\ifx #4\@nnil \else#5\@ipsdoloop #3\@@#4{#5}\fi\fi}
-\def\@ipsdoloop#1,#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil 
-       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
-      #4\relax\let\@nextwhile=\@ipsdoloop\fi\@nextwhile#2\@@#3{#4}}
-\def\@tpsdo#1:=#2\do#3{\xdef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
-    \@tpsdoloop#2\@nil\@nil\@@#1{#3}\fi}
-\def\@tpsdoloop#1#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil 
-       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
-      #4\relax\let\@nextwhile=\@tpsdoloop\fi\@nextwhile#2\@@#3{#4}}
-% \fbox is defined in latex.tex; so if \fbox is undefined, assume that
-% we are not in LaTeX.
-% Perhaps this could be done better???
-% \fbox code from modified slightly from LaTeX
-\fboxsep = 3pt
-\fboxrule = .4pt
-    \advance\ps@tempdima \fboxsep \advance\ps@tempdima \dp\ps@tempboxa
-   \hbox{\lower \ps@tempdima\hbox
-  {\vbox{\hrule height \fboxrule
-          \hbox{\vrule width \fboxrule \hskip\fboxsep
-          \vbox{\vskip\fboxsep \box\ps@tempboxa\vskip\fboxsep}\hskip 
-                 \fboxsep\vrule width \fboxrule}
-                 \hrule height \fboxrule}}}}
-% file reading stuff from epsf.tex
-%   EPSF.TEX macro file:
-%   Written by Tomas Rokicki of Radical Eye Software, 29 Mar 1989.
-%   Revised by Don Knuth, 3 Jan 1990.
-%   Revised by Tomas Rokicki to accept bounding boxes with no
-%      space after the colon, 18 Jul 1990.
-%   Portions modified/removed for use in PSFIG package by
-%      J. Daniel Smith, 9 October 1990.
-\newif\ifnot@eof       % continue looking for the bounding box?
-\newif\if@noisy        % report what you're making?
-\newif\if@atend        % %%BoundingBox: has (at end) specification
-\newif\if@psfile       % does this look like a PostScript file?
-% PostScript files should start with `%!'
-%   The first thing we need to do is to open the
-%   PostScript file, if possible.
-\ifeof\ps@stream\ps@typeout{Error, File #1 not found}\else
-%   Okay, we got it. Now we'll scan lines until we find one that doesn't
-%   start with %. We're looking for the bounding box comment.
-   {\not@eoftrue \chardef\other=12
-    \def\do##1{\catcode`##1=\other}\dospecials \catcode`\ =10
-    \loop
-       \if@psfile
-         \read\ps@stream to \epsf@fileline
-       \else{
-         \obeyspaces
-          \read\ps@stream to \epsf@tmp\global\let\epsf@fileline\epsf@tmp}
-       \fi
-       \ifeof\ps@stream\not@eoffalse\else
-%   Check the first line for `%!'.  Issue a warning message if its not
-%   there, since the file might not be a PostScript file.
-       \if@psfile\else
-       \expandafter\epsf@test\epsf@fileline:. \\%
-       \fi
-%   We check to see if the first character is a % sign;
-%   if so, we look further and stop only if the line begins with
-%   `%%BoundingBox:' and the `(atend)' specification was not found.
-%   That is, the only way to stop is when the end of file is reached,
-%   or a `%%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury' line is found.
-          \expandafter\epsf@aux\epsf@fileline:. \\%
-       \fi
-   \ifnot@eof\repeat
-   }\closein\ps@stream\fi}%
-% This tests if the file we are reading looks like a PostScript file.
-                       \ifx\epsf@testit\epsf@start\else
-\ps@typeout{Warning! File does not start with `\epsf@start'.  It may not be a 
PostScript file.}
-                       \fi
-                       \@psfiletrue} % don't test after 1st line
-%   We still need to define the tricky \epsf@aux macro. This requires
-%   a couple of magic constants for comparison purposes.
-%   So we're ready to check for `%BoundingBox:' and to grab the
-%   values if they are found.  We continue searching if `(at end)'
-%   was found after the `%BoundingBox:'.
-   \def\epsf@testit{#2}\ifx\epsf@testit\epsf@bblit
-       \@atendfalse
-        \epsf@atend #3 . \\%
-       \if@atend       
-          \if@verbose{
-               \ps@typeout{psfig: found `(atend)'; continuing search}
-          }\fi
-        \else
-        \epsf@grab #3 . . . \\%
-        \not@eoffalse
-        \global\no@bbfalse
-        \fi
-   \fi\fi}%
-%   Here we grab the values and stuff them in the appropriate definitions.
-\def\epsf@grab #1 #2 #3 #4 #5\\{%
-   \global\def\epsf@llx{#1}\ifx\epsf@llx\empty
-      \epsf@grab #2 #3 #4 #5 .\\\else
-   \global\def\epsf@lly{#2}%
-   \global\def\epsf@urx{#3}\global\def\epsf@ury{#4}\fi}%
-% Determine if the stuff following the %%BoundingBox is `(atend)'
-% J. Daniel Smith.  Copied from \epsf@grab above.
-\def\epsf@atend #1 #2 #3\\{%
-   \def\epsf@tmp{#1}\ifx\epsf@tmp\empty
-      \epsf@atend #2 #3 .\\\else
-   \ifx\epsf@tmp\epsf@atendlit\@atendtrue\fi\fi}
-% End of file reading stuff from epsf.tex
-% trigonometry stuff from "trig.tex"
-\chardef\psletter = 11 % won't conflict with \begin{letter} now...
-\chardef\other = 12
-\newif \ifdebug %%% turn me on to see TeX hard at work ...
-\newif\ifc@mpute %%% don't need to compute some values
-\c@mputetrue % but assume that we do
-\let\then = \relax
-\def\r@dian{pt }
-\let\r@dians = \r@dian
-\let\dimensionless@nit = \r@dian
-\let\dimensionless@nits = \dimensionless@nit
-\def\internal@nit{sp }
-\let\internal@nits = \internal@nit
-\def \Mess@ge #1{\ifdebug \then \message {#1} \fi}
-{ %%% Things that need abnormal catcodes %%%
-       \catcode `\@ = \psletter
-       \gdef \nodimen {\expandafter \n@dimen \the \dimen}
-       \gdef \term #1 #2 #3%
-              {\edef \t@ {\the #1}%%% freeze parameter 1 (count, by value)
-               \edef \t@@ {\expandafter \n@dimen \the #2\r@dian}%
-                                  %%% freeze parameter 2 (dimen, by value)
-               \t@rm {\t@} {\t@@} {#3}%
-              }
-       \gdef \t@rm #1 #2 #3%
-              {{%
-               \count 0 = 0
-               \dimen 0 = 1 \dimensionless@nit
-               \dimen 2 = #2\relax
-               \Mess@ge {Calculating term #1 of \nodimen 2}%
-               \loop
-               \ifnum  \count 0 < #1
-               \then   \advance \count 0 by 1
-                       \Mess@ge {Iteration \the \count 0 \space}%
-                       \Multiply \dimen 0 by {\dimen 2}%
-                       \Mess@ge {After multiplication, term = \nodimen 0}%
-                       \Divide \dimen 0 by {\count 0}%
-                       \Mess@ge {After division, term = \nodimen 0}%
-               \repeat
-               \Mess@ge {Final value for term #1 of 
-                               \nodimen 2 \space is \nodimen 0}%
-               \xdef \Term {#3 = \nodimen 0 \r@dians}%
-               \aftergroup \Term
-              }}
-       \catcode `\p = \other
-       \catcode `\t = \other
-       \gdef \n@dimen #1pt{#1} %%% throw away the ``pt''
-\def \Divide #1by #2{\divide #1 by #2} %%% just a synonym
-\def \Multiply #1by #2%%% allows division of a dimen by a dimen
-       {{%%% should really freeze parameter 2 (dimen, passed by value)
-       \count 0 = #1\relax
-       \count 2 = #2\relax
-       \count 4 = 65536
-       \Mess@ge {Before scaling, count 0 = \the \count 0 \space and
-                       count 2 = \the \count 2}%
-       \ifnum  \count 0 > 32767 %%% do our best to avoid overflow
-       \then   \divide \count 0 by 4
-               \divide \count 4 by 4
-       \else   \ifnum  \count 0 < -32767
-               \then   \divide \count 0 by 4
-                       \divide \count 4 by 4
-               \else
-               \fi
-       \fi
-       \ifnum  \count 2 > 32767 %%% while retaining reasonable accuracy
-       \then   \divide \count 2 by 4
-               \divide \count 4 by 4
-       \else   \ifnum  \count 2 < -32767
-               \then   \divide \count 2 by 4
-                       \divide \count 4 by 4
-               \else
-               \fi
-       \fi
-       \multiply \count 0 by \count 2
-       \divide \count 0 by \count 4
-       \xdef \product {#1 = \the \count 0 \internal@nits}%
-       \aftergroup \product
-       }}
-\def\r@duce{\ifdim\dimen0 > 90\r@dian \then   % sin(x+90) = sin(180-x)
-               \multiply\dimen0 by -1
-               \advance\dimen0 by 180\r@dian
-               \r@duce
-           \else \ifdim\dimen0 < -90\r@dian \then  % sin(-x) = sin(360+x)
-               \advance\dimen0 by 360\r@dian
-               \r@duce
-               \fi
-           \fi}
-       {{%
-       \dimen 0 = #1 \r@dian
-       \r@duce
-       \ifdim\dimen0 = -90\r@dian \then
-          \dimen4 = -1\r@dian
-          \c@mputefalse
-       \fi
-       \ifdim\dimen0 = 90\r@dian \then
-          \dimen4 = 1\r@dian
-          \c@mputefalse
-       \fi
-       \ifdim\dimen0 = 0\r@dian \then
-          \dimen4 = 0\r@dian
-          \c@mputefalse
-       \fi
-       \ifc@mpute \then
-               % convert degrees to radians
-               \divide\dimen0 by 180
-               \dimen0=3.141592654\dimen0
-               \dimen 2 = 3.1415926535897963\r@dian %%% a well-known constant
-               \divide\dimen 2 by 2 %%% we only deal with -pi/2 : pi/2
-               \Mess@ge {Sin: calculating Sin of \nodimen 0}%
-               \count 0 = 1 %%% see power-series expansion for sine
-               \dimen 2 = 1 \r@dian %%% ditto
-               \dimen 4 = 0 \r@dian %%% ditto
-               \loop
-                       \ifnum  \dimen 2 = 0 %%% then we've done
-                       \then   \stillc@nvergingfalse 
-                       \else   \stillc@nvergingtrue
-                       \fi
-                       \ifstillc@nverging %%% then calculate next term
-                       \then   \term {\count 0} {\dimen 0} {\dimen 2}%
-                               \advance \count 0 by 2
-                               \count 2 = \count 0
-                               \divide \count 2 by 2
-                               \ifodd  \count 2 %%% signs alternate
-                               \then   \advance \dimen 4 by \dimen 2
-                               \else   \advance \dimen 4 by -\dimen 2
-                               \fi
-               \repeat
-       \fi             
-                       \xdef \sine {\nodimen 4}%
-       }}
-% Now the Cosine can be calculated easily by calling \Sine
-                            \edef\Savesine{\sine}\fi
-       {\dimen0=#1\r@dian\advance\dimen0 by 90\r@dian
-        \Sine{\nodimen 0}
-        \xdef\cosine{\sine}
-        \xdef\sine{\Savesine}}}              
-% end of trig stuff
-       \def\@psdraft{0}
-       %\ps@typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space . }
-       \def\@psdraft{100}
-       %\ps@typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space . }
-       \@draftboxfalse
-       \@draftboxtrue
-       \@noisyfalse
-       \@noisytrue
-%%% These are for the option list.
-%%% A specification of the form a = b maps to calling \@p@@sa{b}
-   % look directly for file (e.g. absolute path)
-   \openin1=\ps@predir#1
-   \ifeof1
-       \closein1
-       % failed, search directories for file
-       \get@dir{#1}
-       \ifx\ps@founddir\leer
-               % failed, search directly for
-               \openin1=\
-               \ifeof1
-                       \closein1
-                       % failed, search directories for
-                       \get@dir{}
-                       \ifx\ps@founddir\leer
-                               % failed, lose.
-                               \ps@typeout{Can't find #1 in \figurepath}
-                       \else
-                               % found in search dir
-                               \@decmprtrue
-                               \def\@p@sfile{\ps@founddir\ps@dir#1}
-                               \def\@p@sbbfile{\ps@founddir\}
-                       \fi
-               \else
-                       \closein1
-                       %found directly
-                       \@decmprtrue
-                       \def\@p@sfile{#1}
-                       \def\@p@sbbfile{}
-               \fi
-       \else
-               % found file in search dir
-               \def\@p@sfile{\ps@founddir\ps@dir#1}
-               \def\@p@sbbfile{\ps@founddir\ps@dir#1}
-       \fi
-   \else
-       % found file directly
-       \closein1
-       \def\@p@sfile{#1}
-       \def\@p@sbbfile{#1}
-   \fi
-               %\ps@typeout{bbllx is #1}
-               \@bbllxtrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@sbbllx{\number\dimen100}
-               %\ps@typeout{bblly is #1}
-               \@bbllytrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@sbblly{\number\dimen100}
-               %\ps@typeout{bburx is #1}
-               \@bburxtrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@sbburx{\number\dimen100}
-               %\ps@typeout{bbury is #1}
-               \@bburytrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@sbbury{\number\dimen100}
-               \@heighttrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@sheight{\number\dimen100}
-               %\ps@typeout{Height is \@p@sheight}
-               %\ps@typeout{Width is #1}
-               \@widthtrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@swidth{\number\dimen100}
-               %\ps@typeout{Reserved height is #1}
-               \@rheighttrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@srheight{\number\dimen100}
-               %\ps@typeout{Reserved width is #1}
-               \@rwidthtrue
-               \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@srwidth{\number\dimen100}
-               %\ps@typeout{Rotation is #1}
-               \@angletrue
-%              \dimen100=#1
-               \edef\@p@sangle{#1} %\number\dimen100}
-               \@verbosefalse
-\def\@cs@name#1{\csname #1\endcsname}
-% initialize the defaults (size the size of the figure)
-               \@bbllxfalse \@bbllyfalse
-               \@bburxfalse \@bburyfalse
-               \@heightfalse \@widthfalse
-               \@rheightfalse \@rwidthfalse
-               \def\@p@sbbllx{}\def\@p@sbblly{}
-               \def\@p@sbburx{}\def\@p@sbbury{}
-               \def\@p@sheight{}\def\@p@swidth{}
-               \def\@p@srheight{}\def\@p@srwidth{}
-               \def\@p@sangle{0}
-               \def\@p@sfile{} \def\@p@sbbfile{}
-               \def\@p@scost{10}
-               \def\@sc{}
-               \@prologfilefalse
-               \@postlogfilefalse
-               \@clipfalse
-               \if@noisy
-                       \@verbosetrue
-               \else
-                       \@verbosefalse
-               \fi
-% Go through the options setting things up.
-               \@psdo\@psfiga:=#1\do
-                  {\expandafter\@setparms\@psfiga,}}
-% Compute bb height and width
-       \if@verbose{
-               \ps@typeout{psfig: searching \@p@sbbfile \space  for bounding 
-       }\fi
-       \no@bbtrue
-       \epsf@getbb{\@p@sbbfile}
-        \ifno@bb \else \bb@cull\epsf@llx\epsf@lly\epsf@urx\epsf@ury\fi
-       \dimen100=#1 bp\edef\@p@sbbllx{\number\dimen100}
-       \dimen100=#2 bp\edef\@p@sbblly{\number\dimen100}
-       \dimen100=#3 bp\edef\@p@sbburx{\number\dimen100}
-       \dimen100=#4 bp\edef\@p@sbbury{\number\dimen100}
-       \no@bbfalse
-% rotate point (#1,#2) about (0,0).
-% The sine and cosine of the angle are already stored in \sine and
-% \cosine.  The result is placed in (\p@intvaluex, \p@intvaluey).
-\def\rotate@#1#2{{\dimen0=#1 sp\dimen1=#2 sp
-%              calculate x' = x \cos\theta - y \sin\theta
-                 \global\p@intvaluex=\cosine\dimen0
-                 \dimen3=\sine\dimen1
-                 \global\advance\p@intvaluex by -\dimen3
-%              calculate y' = x \sin\theta + y \cos\theta
-                 \global\p@intvaluey=\sine\dimen0
-                 \dimen3=\cosine\dimen1
-                 \global\advance\p@intvaluey by \dimen3
-                 }}
-               \no@bbfalse
-               \if@bbllx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
-               \if@bblly \else \no@bbtrue \fi
-               \if@bburx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
-               \if@bbury \else \no@bbtrue \fi
-               \ifno@bb \bb@missing \fi
-               \ifno@bb \ps@typeout{FATAL ERROR: no bb supplied or found}
-                       \no-bb-error
-               \fi
-               %
-%\ps@typeout{BB: \@p@sbbllx, \@p@sbblly, \@p@sbburx, \@p@sbbury} 
-% store height/width of original (unrotated) bounding box
-               \count203=\@p@sbburx
-               \count204=\@p@sbbury
-               \advance\count203 by -\@p@sbbllx
-               \advance\count204 by -\@p@sbblly
-               \edef\ps@bbw{\number\count203}
-               \edef\ps@bbh{\number\count204}
-               %\ps@typeout{ psbbh = \ps@bbh, psbbw = \ps@bbw }
-               \if@angle 
-                       \Sine{\@p@sangle}\Cosine{\@p@sangle}
-                       {\dimen100=\maxdimen\xdef\r@p@sbbllx{\number\dimen100}
-                                           \xdef\r@p@sbblly{\number\dimen100}
-                                           \xdef\r@p@sbburx{-\number\dimen100}
-                                           \xdef\r@p@sbbury{-\number\dimen100}}
-% Need to rotate all four points and take the X-Y extremes of the new
-% points as the new bounding box.
-                        \def\minmaxtest{
-                          \ifnum\number\p@intvaluex<\r@p@sbbllx
-                             \xdef\r@p@sbbllx{\number\p@intvaluex}\fi
-                          \ifnum\number\p@intvaluex>\r@p@sbburx
-                             \xdef\r@p@sbburx{\number\p@intvaluex}\fi
-                          \ifnum\number\p@intvaluey<\r@p@sbblly
-                             \xdef\r@p@sbblly{\number\p@intvaluey}\fi
-                          \ifnum\number\p@intvaluey>\r@p@sbbury
-                             \xdef\r@p@sbbury{\number\p@intvaluey}\fi
-                          }
-%                      lower left
-                       \rotate@{\@p@sbbllx}{\@p@sbblly}
-                       \minmaxtest
-%                      upper left
-                       \rotate@{\@p@sbbllx}{\@p@sbbury}
-                       \minmaxtest
-%                      lower right
-                       \rotate@{\@p@sbburx}{\@p@sbblly}
-                       \minmaxtest
-%                      upper right
-                       \rotate@{\@p@sbburx}{\@p@sbbury}
-                       \minmaxtest
-                       \edef\@p@sbbllx{\r@p@sbbllx}\edef\@p@sbblly{\r@p@sbblly}
-                       \edef\@p@sbburx{\r@p@sbburx}\edef\@p@sbbury{\r@p@sbbury}
-%\ps@typeout{rotated BB: \r@p@sbbllx, \r@p@sbblly, \r@p@sbburx, \r@p@sbbury}
-               \fi
-               \count203=\@p@sbburx
-               \count204=\@p@sbbury
-               \advance\count203 by -\@p@sbbllx
-               \advance\count204 by -\@p@sbblly
-               \edef\@bbw{\number\count203}
-               \edef\@bbh{\number\count204}
-               %\ps@typeout{ bbh = \@bbh, bbw = \@bbw }
-% \in@hundreds performs #1 * (#2 / #3) correct to the hundreds,
-%      then leaves the result in @result
-\def\in@hundreds#1#2#3{\count240=#2 \count241=#3
-                    \count100=\count240        % 100 is first digit #2/#3
-                    \divide\count100 by \count241
-                    \count101=\count100
-                    \multiply\count101 by \count241
-                    \advance\count240 by -\count101
-                    \multiply\count240 by 10
-                    \count101=\count240        %101 is second digit of #2/#3
-                    \divide\count101 by \count241
-                    \count102=\count101
-                    \multiply\count102 by \count241
-                    \advance\count240 by -\count102
-                    \multiply\count240 by 10
-                    \count102=\count240        % 102 is the third digit
-                    \divide\count102 by \count241
-                    \count200=#1\count205=0
-                    \count201=\count200
-                       \multiply\count201 by \count100
-                       \advance\count205 by \count201
-                    \count201=\count200
-                       \divide\count201 by 10
-                       \multiply\count201 by \count101
-                       \advance\count205 by \count201
-                       %
-                    \count201=\count200
-                       \divide\count201 by 100
-                       \multiply\count201 by \count102
-                       \advance\count205 by \count201
-                       %
-                    \edef\@result{\number\count205}
-               % computing : width = height * (bbw / bbh)
-               \in@hundreds{\@p@sheight}{\@bbw}{\@bbh}
-               %\ps@typeout{ \@p@sheight * \@bbw / \@bbh, = \@result }
-               \edef\@p@swidth{\@result}
-               %\ps@typeout{w from h: width is \@p@swidth}
-               % computing : height = width * (bbh / bbw)
-               \in@hundreds{\@p@swidth}{\@bbh}{\@bbw}
-               %\ps@typeout{ \@p@swidth * \@bbh / \@bbw = \@result }
-               \edef\@p@sheight{\@result}
-               %\ps@typeout{h from w : height is \@p@sheight}
-               \if@height 
-                       \if@width
-                       \else
-                               \compute@wfromh
-                       \fi
-               \else 
-                       \if@width
-                               \compute@hfromw
-                       \else
-                               \edef\@p@sheight{\@bbh}
-                               \edef\@p@swidth{\@bbw}
-                       \fi
-               \fi
-               \if@rheight \else \edef\@p@srheight{\@p@sheight} \fi
-               \if@rwidth \else \edef\@p@srwidth{\@p@swidth} \fi
-               %\ps@typeout{rheight = \@p@srheight, rwidth = \@p@srwidth}
-% Compute any missing values
-       \compute@bb
-       \if@scalefirst\if@angle
-% at this point the bounding box has been adjsuted correctly for
-% rotation.  PSFIG does all of its scaling using \@bbh and \@bbw.  If
-% a width= or height= was specified along with \psscalefirst, then the
-% width=/height= value needs to be adjusted to match the new (rotated)
-% bounding box size (specifed in \@bbw and \@bbh).
-%    \ps@bbw       width=
-%    -------  =  ---------- 
-%    \@bbw       new width=
-% so `new width=' = (width= * \@bbw) / \ps@bbw; where \ps@bbw is the
-% width of the original (unrotated) bounding box.
-       \if@width
-          \in@hundreds{\@p@swidth}{\@bbw}{\ps@bbw}
-          \edef\@p@swidth{\@result}
-       \fi
-       \if@height
-          \in@hundreds{\@p@sheight}{\@bbh}{\ps@bbh}
-          \edef\@p@sheight{\@result}
-       \fi
-       \fi\fi
-       \compute@handw
-       \compute@resv}
-       \special{ /@isp {true} def}
-       \special{ \@p@swidth \space \@p@sheight \space
-                       \@p@sbbllx \space \@p@sbblly \space
-                       \@p@sbburx \space \@p@sbbury \space
-                       startTexFig \space }
-       \if@clip{
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{(clip)}
-               }\fi
-               \special{ doclip \space }
-       }\fi
-       \if@angle{
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{(rotate)}
-               }\fi
-               \special { \@p@sangle \space rotate \space} 
-       }\fi
-       \if@prologfile
-           \special{\@prologfileval \space } \fi
-       \if@decmpr{
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{psfig: Compression not available
-                       in OzTeX version \space }
-               }\fi
-       }\else{
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{psfig: including \@p@sfile \space }
-               }\fi
-               \special{epsf=\@p@sfile \space }
-       }\fi
-       \if@postlogfile
-           \special{\@postlogfileval \space } \fi
-       \special{ /@isp {false} def}
-       %
-       \special{ps::[begin]    \@p@swidth \space \@p@sheight \space
-                       \@p@sbbllx \space \@p@sbblly \space
-                       \@p@sbburx \space \@p@sbbury \space
-                       startTexFig \space }
-       \if@clip{
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{(clip)}
-               }\fi
-               \special{ps:: doclip \space }
-       }\fi
-       \if@angle
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{(clip)}
-               }\fi
-               \special {ps:: \@p@sangle \space rotate \space} 
-       \fi
-       \if@prologfile
-           \special{ps: plotfile \@prologfileval \space } \fi
-       \if@decmpr{
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{psfig: including \@p@sfile.Z \space }
-               }\fi
-               \special{ps: plotfile "`zcat \@p@sfile.Z" \space }
-       }\else{
-               \if@verbose{
-                       \ps@typeout{psfig: including \@p@sfile \space }
-               }\fi
-               \special{ps: plotfile \@p@sfile \space }
-       }\fi
-       \if@postlogfile
-           \special{ps: plotfile \@postlogfileval \space } \fi
-       \special{ps::[end] endTexFig \space }
-% \psfig
-% usage : \psfig{file=, height=, width=, bbllx=, bblly=, bburx=, bbury=,
-%                      rheight=, rwidth=, clip=}
-% "clip=" is a switch and takes no value, but the `=' must be present.
-\def\psfig#1{\vbox {
-       % do a zero width hard space so that a single
-       % \psfig in a centering enviornment will behave nicely
-       %{\setbox0=\hbox{\ }\ \hskip-\wd0}
-       %
-       \ps@init@parms
-       \parse@ps@parms{#1}
-       \compute@sizes
-       %
-       \ifnum\@p@scost<\@psdraft{
-               \PsfigSpecials 
-               % Create the vbox to reserve the space for the figure.
-               \vbox to \@p@srheight sp{
-               % 1/92 TJD Changed from "true sp" to "sp" for magnification.
-                       \hbox to \@p@srwidth sp{
-                               \hss
-                       }
-               \vss
-               }
-       }\else{
-               % draft figure, just reserve the space and print the
-               % path name.
-               \if@draftbox{           
-                       % Verbose draft: print file name in box
-                       % 10/93 TJD changed to fbox from frame
-                       \hbox{\fbox{\vbox to \@p@srheight sp{
-                       \vss
-                       \hbox to \@p@srwidth sp{ \hss 
-                               % 10/93 TJD deleted to avoid ``_'' problems
-                               % \@p@sfile
-                        \hss }
-                       \vss
-                       }}}
-               }\else{
-                       % Non-verbose draft
-                       \vbox to \@p@srheight sp{
-                       \vss
-                       \hbox to \@p@srwidth sp{\hss}
-                       \vss
-                       }
-               }\fi    
-       }\fi

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