On Tue 2017-02-07 13:00:31 -0500, Yuri D'Elia wrote:
> I need to output extra debugging in the cron job, but I need some extra
> time to set some testing environment.

please report back when you have that info!

> For example, does using ssh trigger the creation of the agent now,
> simply because the sockets are available?

if you've explicitly pointed $SSH_AUTH_SOCK to the address of
gpg-agent's ssh-agent emulation socket [0], and you have public key
authentication enabled in ssh, and use it to talk to a peer that offers
public key authentication, then yes, it should do so.

[0] typically  /run/user/$(id -u)/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh

But if you don't want to use gpg's ssh-agent emulation, you simply
shouldn't point SSH_AUTH_SOCK to it.


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