On 19:10 Tue 07 Feb     , Russ Allbery wrote:
> Alexander Kurtz <alexan...@kurtz.be> writes:
> > However, now somebody decided, that it's a good idea to drop the
> > puppet-agent package and move the service file back to the puppet
> > package [1]. This is bad, very, very bad. Here's why:
> I don't think this is the problem.  I think the problem is that the
> service is enabled by default.
> There's no harm in having everything in one package provided that the
> service defaults to *disabled*, not enabled.  My recollection is that this
> is even what the puppet-agent package did, although maybe I'm
> misremembering.

Sort of, actually in 3.x the service was enabled, but the agent was 
disabled in postinst using puppet agent --disable. Nowadays I think it 
makes more sense to simply not enable the service by default.

> But it looks like the default installation logic may have
> been lost with the merge into a single puppet package.

For the record, this is exactly what happened.

> For systemd, I think the fix may be as easy as using --no-enable in a
> dh_systemd_enable override.  I'm not sure how this used to be done for
> dh_installinit.
> (Completely agreed that having the daemon start and try to use the server
> named "puppet" as a Puppet master on package installation is pretty bad.)

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