i can confirm that overlayfs works flawlessly on both unstable and testing, but 
lb-config doesn't offer an option to choose the proper union module

if live-build doesn't properly set the LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM, i have seen that 
appending the following line to auto/config is a good workaround

sed -i "s/LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM=\"aufs\"/LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM=\"overlay\"/g" 

On February 9, 2017 8:31:42 AM GMT+01:00, Andreas Heinlein <aheinl...@gmx.com> 
>The kernels from jessie-backports definitely do not contain aufs 
>anymore. IIRC, aufs-dkms did not build against the backport kernels.
>Aufs was dropped in favour of overlayfs, which should be supported in 
>the current unstable release of live-build.

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