Hello Robin,

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 01:55:41PM +0000, Robin Williams wrote:
> Is there any worth in me continuing to add data to this bug, or has this
> just dropped into a blackhole?

we see all the bug reports and new logs that are provided to existing
reports. But we are "only" package maintainers and our possibilities to
fix such segfault issues are quite zero. So no, reporting issues isn't

Specific issues like these are probably better reported upstream but
some user don't want to do this. But we don't have mostly the time to do
the reporting upstream or can't simply reproduce some issues.

The segfaulting of the icedove binary is annoying but we can't solve
this. The reason for the segfaults are probably related a little bit on
the used GCC. Debian testing is using GCC 6.3.0 and Mozilla is still
using 4.8 as far as I remeber.


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