Le Saturday 25 June 2005 à 12:20:50, Holger Jaekel a écrit:
> Device: Palm Tungsten T5
> Palm OS: Garnet v. 5.4.5
> HotSync Manager Application: 6.0.1

I reported your bug as http://bugs.pilot-link.org/1601 and it was closed
   hacker - 02-03-06 13:07
  The T5 is not supported by pilot-link 0.11.8, please use 0.12.0-preX
  until the final 0.12.0 is released.

You can get the 0.12.0-preX version from Debian experimental.
Please report here if the bug is fixed or not when using the
experimental version.


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --

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