On Tue, 31 Jan 2006 19:52:08 +0200, Damyan wrote:

[I wonder why I never got this by email; oh well]

>> +        $desc=~s/\n\S/ /gs;

> The above pattern elliminates any non-space after the linefeed.

You are right, I wasn't thinking.

> How about ``/\n(?=\S)/ /gs''  ?

What I wanted to write was:

  $desc=~s/\n(\S)/ $1/gs;

which is probably easier to remember(/read) for most people, but
perhaps not as "clean".

Thanks for pointing this out - it just goes to show that even the
tiniest change has potential for introducing new embarrasing bugs.

  Best regards,


 "You know, if the sun was an oboe, what would you do?"       Adam Sjøgren
                                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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