Hello Andreas,

thank you for your answer.

With friendly greetings,

Adrian Immanuel Kieß

With many greetings from Leipzig, Germany.
Adrian Immanuel Kieß 

Gothaer Straße 34
D-04155 Leipzig

Administrator & programmer
Unix ∧ Perl ∧ Java ∧ LaTeX

📪 — < adrian@kiess.engineer >
🌍 — http://www.kiess.engineer # Homepage of Adrian Immanuel Kieß
👁 — http://www.totaleueberwachung.de # Site for people who hear voices
🐇 — http://www.outanekka.org # Outanekka online image gallery

echo "Your fortune cookie: " && /usr/games/fortune -c -s
> (miscellaneous) % Huh?

echo "IMMANUELK.NET uptime: " && /usr/bin/uptime
> 06:21:12 up 3 days, 1:04, 9 users, load average: 1.30, 1.17, 1.35

On Sat, 2017-02-18 at 07:36 +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> On 2017-02-18 Adrian Immanuel Kiess <adr...@kiess.at> wrote:
> > Package: e17
> > Version: 0.17.6-1.1
> > Severity: wishlist
> > Dear Maintainer,
> > would it be possible to have a newer version of Enlightenment in
> > Debian/testing?
> > I already suggested this once.
> > The V17 of Enlightenment is quite outdated and it would be nice to
> > have a newer version in the repositories.
> Hello,
> it is not possible currently, Debian/testing has been in transition
> freeze since November 5th 2016.
> Newer packages are available in Debian/experimental.
> cu Andreas

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