On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:21:49AM +0100, Sergio Gelato wrote:
> I'm testing the attached patch. So far it seems to work, although it should
> really be reviewed by someone more familiar with kernel development history.
> (I looked at the implementation of file_dentry() in 4.6 and simplified
> it to account for the lack of d_real() support in older kernels. My main
> worry is that I may be missing some corner cases that apply to older
> kernels but were no longer of concern by the time file_dentry() was added.)

Sorry for the delay -- it's been a pretty crazy week.

Thanks for pulling this together; at first glance it seems
reasonable, so I'll go ahead and submit it to upstream's gerrit
instance on your behalf.  (It can get some more review there, then
get merged to master and pulled back onto the 1.6 branch, though
we'll probably pick it into Debian earlier, of course.)


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