Control: block -1 by 855334

On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 12:54:28PM +0100, Andrea Stacchiotti wrote:
> following the debranding of Icedove into Thunderbird, this package does not
> work anymore with Thunderbird.

I asked about this on

The new package has a wrapper script for Thunderbird, which takes care
of migrating from icedove to thunderbird.  The wrapper parses command
line arguments so it is now necessary to add "--" to the command line to
separate the wrapper's arguments from thunderbird's arguments.  In other
words, nautilus-sendto currently calls thunderbird like this:

    /usr/bin/thunderbird -compose attachment='file:///tmp/attachment'

It will be necessary to call thunderbird like this:

    /usr/bin/thunderbird -- -compose attachment='file:///tmp/attachment'

Though that won't work either until bug
is fixed, because the wrapper doesn't forward arguments correctly.

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