Brian May <> writes:

> amavisd-new has already been removed from testing. I think the chances
> of getting it back in are remote - however I have asked the release team
> - see #856067.

The release gods^h^h^h^h^h team has spoken. They say they will accept
amavisd-new back in the archive:

"Not in a point release, but I'll cut you a deal: if the underlying bug in
libdbd-mysql-perl is fixed (but *without* the additional fixes Pali
mentions), and an unblock bug opened before 1st March, I'll unblock
amavisd-new and amavisd-milter for stretch."

"(no precedents, subject to future developments, blah, blah, etc, etc)."

So from my point of view, as it is two days until the 1st of March right
now (at least in my timezone) we need to get a fixed version of
libdbd-mysql-perl in unstable by tomorrow at the latest. Is this going
to be possible?

Brian May <>

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