On 02/27/2017 06:52 PM, Allison Randal wrote:
> The version of the neutron package currently in unstable and stretch
> (9.1.1) is incompatible with the version of vmware-nsx in unstable
> (8.0.0). During the Newton release cycle, Neutron was changed to move
> SecurityGroup from:
> neutron.db.securitygroups_db
> to:
> neutron.db.models.securitygroup
> For the specific line of code failing in this FTBFS, see this change
> that was made in the 9.1.0 release of vmware-nsx:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/openstack/vmware-nsx.git/commit/?h=debian/newton&id=4950717f9550732f6655c97afda07ed401a37a0d
> The fix for this bug is to package a compatible version of vmware-nsx.
> Apparently the 9.1.0 package of vmware-nsx was created, but never
> uploaded to unstable:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/openstack/vmware-nsx.git/log/?h=debian/newton
> Allison

Yes, because it FTBFS as well.



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