
What about the more conservative patch below ? 
This last line of a0_prep_root is still useful in case one replaces
systemd-sysv with sysvinit-core :

$ echo '+sysvinit-core' > minimal/packages
$ debirf make minimal

I hope it will help !

JH Chatenet

--- a/usr/share/debirf/modules/a0_prep-root
+++ b/usr/share/debirf/modules/a0_prep-root
@@ -67,4 +67,4 @@
 debirf_exec apt-get --yes --force-yes upgrade
 # work around http://bugs.debian.org/686965
-debirf_exec sh -c 'cd /etc/init.d && insserv $(ls | grep -vFx -e rc -e rcS -e 
skeleton -e README)'
+debirf_exec sh -c 'if `which insserv > /dev/null`; then cd /etc/init.d && 
insserv $(ls | grep -vFx -e rc -e rcS -e skeleton -e README); fi'

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