On Sat, Feb 04, 2006 at 09:00:06PM +0200, Jari Aalto wrote:

> I've been busy but I ahve now prepared new verison of the package.
> If you find the time to check it, that would be welcomed.

> >> > Severity: grave, because amd64 is a release architecture.

> >> > Jari, if you have packages for 1.1 available, I might be able to
> >> > sponsor an upload of them for you.

> >>   http://cante.net/~jaalto/tmp/debian/jwm

> > Some changes:

> > - The package is a native package (no .orig.tar.gz).  Please change it to
> >   non-native.

> I used options:

>   svn-buildpackage -uc -us -rfakeroot

> Let me know how to fix this issue if this is not correct method.

Yes, that appears to have done the correct thing for the most part; the
package is correctly non-native, and the trunk directory is gone -- the only
problem I see now is that your .orig.tar.gz contains .svn directories which
it should not; since
"svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/svn/deb/pkg/jwm/trunk" is not a svn uri
that's valid for anyone else, the svn metadata doesn't belong in the
orig.tar.gz, and having it there doubles the size of the tarball.  Please
rebuild your tarball with --exclude .svn.  It's also common practice to
exclude the debian/ directory from the upstream tarball, even when it's
present in the same source repository, since (among other reasons) it's not
possible to delete a file from under debian/ using the .diff.gz...

Everything else looks good, so if you get this taken care of I can upload it
with no problems.
Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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