
Alberto Garcia wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 01:51:07PM +0100, Sebastian Pipping wrote:

>> PS: Still occurring with Git 2.1.4 of jessie.
> I'm having this problem very often even with the latest git from
> unstable (1:2.11.0-2).

Thanks for writing. Please file a separate bug with details about what
steps you use to reproduce it and the exact output.  If you can get
output with the GIT_TRACE environment variable set to 1, that's even

Please also check your syslog for instances of git segfaulting and
include that information in your bug report.

This is going to be hard to track down but it's worth the effort.  It
is unlikely that what you experienced has the same cause as what
Sebastian experienced. The error message means that git crashed and
was unable to clean up after itself --- it errors out instead of
continuing because it does not know whether the other git process is
still running.

As an aside, it's possible git should get smarter about this and use
similar locking logic to vim (check that the hostname in a lockfile
matches the current hostname and then check if the process that locked
the file is still running).  But that's a separate story.  The more
urgent thing is to figure out in what scenario you have been getting
git to crash.

Thank you,

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