Hi Frederik,

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 09:38:15AM +0100, Frederik Himpe wrote:
> When the slurmd is updated and the service is stopped and started, all
> running jobs are killed. This is not supposed to happen.
> I found this bug:
> https://bugs.schedmd.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2095
> which leads to this commit fixing this problem when slurmd is running
> via systemd:
> https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm/commit/508f866ea10e4c359d62d443279198082d587107

Thank you very much for reporting this.

> Debian's slurmd.service is indeed missing the option
> KillMode=process

This will be in the next package release, toghether with the other
changes in the upstream version.

> Maybe Debian should use the upstream slurmd.service.in instead of
> maintaining its own slurmd.service?

I prefer to adapt the upstream copy because there can be some
difference (e.g. EnvironmentFile) but indeed I need to check upstream
more regularly.

Thanks again for your help
Gennaro Oliva

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