Package: transmission-daemon Version: 2.92-2 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer,
1. These segfaults have happened 11 times on my system since Feb 26; the /var/log/syslog* have been rotated so that I can not check whether segfault has happened before Feb 26. These segfaults happened randomly. I have collected 6 cores of segfaults. Next description will use core.4 as example. 2. transmission-daemon started on 2017-03-11 09:29:27 using: $ ulimit -c unlimited $ > ~/tmp/transmission.log ; transmission-daemon --logfile ~/tmp/transmission.log --log-debug Message in syslog related to core.4(the segfault on 08:11:32 have no core file saved): $ zgrep segfault /var/log/syslog.1 Mar 11 08:11:32 archon kernel: [ 408.155176] transmission-da[2572]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f2850fe4a0c sp 00007f284bfaeaf8 error 4 in[7f2850e9c000+195000] Mar 11 09:34:01 archon kernel: [ 5356.546761] transmission-da[14443]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f6df7849a0c sp 00007f6df2813af8 error 4 in[7f6df7701000+195000] The attachment is the gdb backtrace generated with following command: $ gdb --batch -ex "bt" -ex "bt full" -ex "thread apply all bt full" -ex "quit" transmission-daemon core.4 &> core.4.backtrace-log 3. Here are some investigation by myself. The request 0x7f6decb08fc0 used by scrape_request_delegate(): (gdb) p *((const tr_scrape_request *) 0x7f6decb08fc0) $1 = {url = 0x0, log_name = "[FILENAME_OF_TORRENT_REMOVED---http://354.354.354.354:75535]", '\000' <repeats 56 times>, info_hash = { "{INFO_HASH_REMOVED_1", "INFO_HASH_REMOVED_2", "INFO_HASH_REMOVED_3", '\000' <repeats 19 times> <repeats 61 times>}, info_hash_count = 3} Note that some text is changed due to private reason. Obviously, segfault happens because of request->url is NULL(0x0) and is compared with "http" using memcmp()(announcer.c:1402). The request 0x7f6decb08fc0 is the 2nd element of local variable requests(0x7f6decb08a30) of function multiscrape(): (gdb) p &((const tr_scrape_request *) 0x7f6decb08a30)[1] $4 = (const tr_scrape_request *) 0x7f6decb08fc0 The request 0x7f6decb08fc0 is likely build from tr_tier (tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1] as the hash, name and tracker are matched: (gdb) p (((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->tor->info->hash) $11 = "{INFO_HASH_REMOVED_1" (gdb) p (((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->tor->info->name) $13 = 0x7f6dec3fb110 "FILENAME_OF_TORRENT_REMOVED" (gdb) p *(((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->currentTracker) $14 = {key = 0x7f6dec4f5ba0 "http://354.354.354.354:75535", announce = 0x7f6dec4f5ae0 "http://354.354.354.354:75535/annonuce", scrape = 0x0, tracker_id_str = 0x0, seederCount = -1, leecherCount = -1, downloadCount = -1, downloaderCount = 0, consecutiveFailures = 0, id = 59} The torrent of this tr_tier: (gdb) p *(((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->tor) $15 = {session = 0x560e62f8a920, info = {totalSize = 176553400, originalName = 0x7f6dec3fb150 "FILENAME_OF_TORRENT_REMOVED", name = 0x7f6dec3fb110 "FILENAME_OF_TORRENT_REMOVED", torrent = 0x7f6dec46f990 "/home/kralcyor/.config/transmission-daemon/torrents/FILENAME_OF_TORRENT_REMOVED.7b8d920ba22ab7a5.torrent", webseeds = 0x0, comment = 0x7f6dec32f450 "", creator = 0x7f6dec3fb190 "rin-pr/0.5.1", files = 0x7f6dec2b2700, pieces = 0x7f6dec468c90, trackers = 0x7f6dec46e0e0, dateCreated = 1485837788, trackerCount = 68, webseedCount = 0, fileCount = 1, pieceSize = 262144, pieceCount = 674, hash = "{INFO_HASH_REMOVED_1", hashString = "HASH_STRING_REMOVED_1", isPrivate = false, isFolder = false}, magicNumber = 95549, error = TR_STAT_OK, errorString = '\000' <repeats 127 times>, errorTracker = '\000' <repeats 127 times>, obfuscatedHash = "OBFUSCATED_HASH_REMOVED_1", incompleteMetadata = 0x0, peer_id = "-TR2920-k0igydl6wtr0", peer_id_creation_time = 1489195834, downloadDir = 0x7f6dec45df80 "DOWNLOAD_DIR_REMOVED", incompleteDir = 0x0, infoDictLength = 13587, infoDictOffset = 0, currentDir = 0x7f6dec45df80 "DOWNLOAD_DIR_REMOVED", blockSize = 16384, blockCount = 10776, lastBlockSize = 15800, lastPieceSize = 130488, blockCountInPiece = 16, blockCountInLastPiece = 8, completion = {tor = 0x7f6dec46fa10, blockBitfield = {bits = 0x0, alloc_count = 0, bit_count = 10776, true_count = 10776, have_all_hint = true, have_none_hint = false}, sizeWhenDoneLazy = 176553400, sizeWhenDoneIsDirty = true, haveValidLazy = 0, haveValidIsDirty = true, sizeNow = 176553400}, completeness = TR_SEED, tiers = 0x7f6dec46f490, dhtAnnounceAt = 1489197288, dhtAnnounce6At = 1489197384, dhtAnnounceInProgress = false, dhtAnnounce6InProgress = false, lpdAnnounceAt = 1489195767, downloadedCur = 0, downloadedPrev = 180364824, uploadedCur = 0, uploadedPrev = 1582164452, corruptCur = 0, corruptPrev = 0, etaDLSpeedCalculatedAt = 0, etaDLSpeed_Bps = 0, etaULSpeedCalculatedAt = 0, etaULSpeed_Bps = 0, addedDate = 1485844188, activityDate = 1488957740, doneDate = 1485844394, startDate = 1489195767, anyDate = 1489195767, secondsDownloading = 226, secondsSeeding = 401015, queuePosition = 70, metadata_func = 0x0, metadata_func_user_data = 0x0, completeness_func = 0x0, completeness_func_user_data = 0x0, ratio_limit_hit_func = 0x0, ratio_limit_hit_func_user_data = 0x0, idle_limit_hit_func = 0x0, idle_limit_hit_func_user_data = 0x0, queue_started_user_data = 0x0, queue_started_callback = 0x0, isRunning = true, isStopping = false, isDeleting = false, startAfterVerify = false, isDirty = true, isQueued = false, magnetVerify = false, infoDictOffsetIsCached = false, maxConnectedPeers = 60, verifyState = TR_VERIFY_NONE, lastStatTime = 0, stats = {id = 0, activity = TR_STATUS_STOPPED, error = TR_STAT_OK, errorString = '\000' <repeats 511 times>, recheckProgress = 0, percentComplete = 0, metadataPercentComplete = 0, percentDone = 0, seedRatioPercentDone = 0, rawUploadSpeed_KBps = 0, rawDownloadSpeed_KBps = 0, pieceUploadSpeed_KBps = 0, pieceDownloadSpeed_KBps = 0, eta = 0, etaIdle = 0, peersConnected = 0, peersFrom = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, peersSendingToUs = 0, peersGettingFromUs = 0, webseedsSendingToUs = 0, sizeWhenDone = 0, leftUntilDone = 0, desiredAvailable = 0, corruptEver = 0, uploadedEver = 0, downloadedEver = 0, haveValid = 0, haveUnchecked = 0, manualAnnounceTime = 0, ratio = 0, addedDate = 0, doneDate = 0, startDate = 0, activityDate = 0, idleSecs = 0, secondsDownloading = 0, secondsSeeding = 0, finished = false, queuePosition = 0, isStalled = false}, next = 0x7f6dec467b80, uniqueId = 71, bandwidth = { band = {{isLimited = false, honorParentLimits = true, bytesLeft = 0, desiredSpeed_Bps = 500000, raw = {newest = 5, transfers = {{date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 1489195836133, size = 116}, { date = 1489195836714, size = 105}, {date = 1489195836985, size = 314}, {date = 1489195838143, size = 98}, { date = 1489195865149, size = 96}, {date = 0, size = 0}, { date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}}, cache_time = 0, cache_val = 0}, piece = {newest = 0, transfers = {{date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, { date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}}, cache_time = 0, cache_val = 0}}, {isLimited = false, honorParentLimits = true, bytesLeft = 0, desiredSpeed_Bps = 50000, raw = {newest = 5, transfers = {{date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 1489195836133, size = 417}, {date = 1489195836714, size = 264}, { date = 1489195837462, size = 96}, {date = 1489195838143, size = 146}, {date = 1489195865149, size = 96}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, { date = 0, size = 0}}, cache_time = 0, cache_val = 0}, piece = { newest = 0, transfers = {{date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, { date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}, {date = 0, size = 0}}, cache_time = 0, cache_val = 0}}}, parent = 0x560e62f8ab28, priority = 0 '\000', magicNumber = 43143, uniqueKey = 71, session = 0x560e62f8a920, children = { items = 0x7f6deca9c410, n_items = 0, n_alloc = 32}, peer = 0x0}, swarm = 0x7f6dec46f570, desiredRatio = 2, ratioLimitMode = TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL, idleLimitMinutes = 30, idleLimitMode = TR_IDLELIMIT_GLOBAL, finishedSeedingByIdle = false} This tr_tier is the 52nd tier of its torrent: (gdb) p &(((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->tor)->tiers->tiers[51] $17 = (tr_tier *) 0x7f6dec4fb590 (gdb) p (tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1] $18 = (tr_tier *) 0x7f6dec4fb590 This tr_tier has two trackers: (gdb) p *((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1]) $19 = {byteCounts = {0, 0, 0}, trackers = 0x7f6dec45ed40, tracker_count = 2, currentTracker = 0x7f6dec45ed78, currentTrackerIndex = 1, tor = 0x7f6dec46fa10, scrapeAt = 1489195810, lastScrapeStartTime = 1489196040, lastScrapeTime = 0, lastScrapeSucceeded = false, lastScrapeTimedOut = false, announceAt = 1489196040, manualAnnounceAllowedAt = 1489196160, lastAnnounceStartTime = 0, lastAnnounceTime = 1489196040, lastAnnounceSucceeded = false, lastAnnounceTimedOut = false, announce_events = 0x7f6dec4614a0, announce_event_count = 1, announce_event_alloc = 4, key = 708, scrapeIntervalSec = 1800, announceIntervalSec = 600, announceMinIntervalSec = 120, lastAnnouncePeerCount = 0, isRunning = false, isAnnouncing = false, isScraping = true, wasCopied = false, lastAnnounceStr = "Connection failed", '\000' <repeats 110 times>, lastScrapeStr = '\000' <repeats 127 times>} The first tracker is: (gdb) p ((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->trackers[0] $21 = {key = 0x7f6dec4f5f50 "udp://354.354.354.354:75535", announce = 0x7f6dec4f5a80 "udp://354.354.354.354:75535/annonuce", scrape = 0x7f6dec4f5ab0 "udp://354.354.354.354:75535/annonuce", tracker_id_str = 0x0, seederCount = -1, leecherCount = -1, downloadCount = -1, downloaderCount = 0, consecutiveFailures = 1, id = 60} Note that the scrape URL of this tracker is available. The second tracker is: (gdb) p ((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->trackers[1] $22 = {key = 0x7f6dec4f5ba0 "http://354.354.354.354:75535", announce = 0x7f6dec4f5ae0 "http://354.354.354.354:75535/annonuce", scrape = 0x0, tracker_id_str = 0x0, seederCount = -1, leecherCount = -1, downloadCount = -1, downloaderCount = 0, consecutiveFailures = 0, id = 59} Note that the scrape URL of this tracker is NULL(0x0). The current tracker is pointed to trackers[1]: (gdb) p *(((tr_tier *) ((tr_ptrArray *) 0x7f6df2813b60)->items[1])->currentTracker) $24 = {key = 0x7f6dec4f5ba0 "http://354.354.354.354:75535", announce = 0x7f6dec4f5ae0 "http://354.354.354.354:75535/annonuce", scrape = 0x0, tracker_id_str = 0x0, seederCount = -1, leecherCount = -1, downloadCount = -1, downloaderCount = 0, consecutiveFailures = 0, id = 59} 4. 11 segfaults all happened at 0 ip xxxa0c sp xxxaf8 error 4 in[xxx000+195000]. 6 core files correspond to 3 different torrents. The tr_tier all have two trackers; one is udp://, the other is http://. All trackers are unable to connect. 5. If it is needed, I can provide core files via private email. And I have a debug logfile logged using "transmission-daemon --logfile /home/kralcyor/tmp/transmission.log --log-debug" for segfault of core.4; though it seems useless. If it is needed, I can also provide this logfile via private email. Regards, Jun MO -- System Information: Debian Release: 9.0 APT prefers unstable-debug APT policy: (500, 'unstable-debug'), (500, 'unstable') Architecture: amd64 (x86_64) Foreign Architectures: i386 Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-2-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores) Locale: LANG=en_US.utf8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8 (charmap=UTF-8) Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system) Versions of packages transmission-daemon depends on: ii adduser 3.115 ii init-system-helpers 1.47 ii libc6 2.24-9 ii libcurl3-gnutls 7.52.1-3 ii libevent-2.0-5 2.0.21-stable-3 ii libminiupnpc10 1.9.20140610-2.1 ii libnatpmp1 20110808-4+b1 ii libssl1.1 1.1.0e-1 ii libsystemd0 232-19 ii lsb-base 9.20161125 ii transmission-common 2.92-2 ii zlib1g 1:1.2.8.dfsg-5 Versions of packages transmission-daemon recommends: ii transmission-cli 2.92-2 transmission-daemon suggests no packages. -- Configuration Files: /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json' -- debconf-show failed
Description: Binary data