
26.02.2017 14:35, Mattia Rizzolo пишет:
few minutes/hours after this they released another one too, it seems :P
They took the whole "release early, release often" thing a bit too
seriously, IMHO u.U

Yeah, I updated my repo with the package [1], and now I have nothing to add.

But I have a question related to new alpha versions. The upstream removed some third code from their repository, but they added submodule GSL [2]. It's not GNU Scientific Library, but Guideline Support Library from Microsoft under MIT (Expat) license. This library seems not to be in the Debian archive. Should I package it? It's used only at build-time.

Another submodule, Mapbox Variant, seems already to be in the libmapbox-variant-dev package.

umh, TBH I wouldn't know.  We usually *love* very verbose builds.
Outputting the whole gcc command is usually a good idea, as there are
tools checking the build logs for the presence of certain build flags
(see blhc and bls).
I *think* you could pass an extra -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=OFF to
verride the previous -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON passed by debhelper,
but if you want it, I'd like if you could put it behind a check for the
presence of a variable or something so you can do it only in your
system, so others keep getting the full log.
Besides, in case of failure the gcc call is priceless!

Okay, then whenever I want to make build less detailed, I'll temporarily append this flag to dh_auto_build command in the d/rules file. I didn't found another appropriate place for this.

As you perhaps noticed, my knowledge of English is not very well, and I
don't know what the problem with the manpage.

Ack.  Yes, that "allow to" → "allow one to" is a bit tricky.
I sent you a PR for that.

I merged it, thanks!

I can't understand why pristine-tar is necessary if I could download an
original tarball using uscan (or manually).

You probably little.  The gain for me is quite relevant, as for example
right now I'm connected through a 3G modem with limited bandwitdh; using
pristine-tar allowed me to download few KBs and get a several MB tarball
out; probably I could have lived by downloading the tarball anew, but it
is for example priceless while working on libreoffice-dictionaries,
where the tarballs are 70+ MB with very small changes across versions.
It mostly is a tool to help coworkers, but in the past it came handy
also for me, in a moment where I wanted to build several past versions
of a program and instead of downloading hundreds of MBs of tarballs I
could just `pristine-tar checkout` them out.

BTW, the name you used for the tarball you committed is unfortunate, as
a tool named `origtargz` (from devscripts) can detect it.  It would be
nice if you could commit the renamed/symlinked one made by
that you surely have around somehow, given that you need it to actually
build the package.

I got it, thank you! Did I make pristine commit correctly?

Note that this doesn't match *at all* your top commit (that you even
tagged) cfb1daea9b2ff0b4501d2e97ca979d56b5b58364 :P
Anyway, given that now we got a workable git repository, feel free to
stop uploading those, and just hand me a commit id :)

Well, I left a tag debian/1.0.14-1 on e04e46e commit id.

[1] https://github.com/mymedia2/tdesktop/releases/tag/debian/1.0.14-1
[2] https://github.com/Microsoft/GSL

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