On 02/16/05 00:21, Graham Wilson wrote:
Three people have stepped up to maintain the package. Would all of you
be interested in working together to co-maintain the pacakge? The
fetchmail source is already maintained in Subversion, so it seems this
could be coordinated easily.

Co-maintain is fine for me. Do you have an alioth project? or just an independent repo?

It also seems that only one of the people interested is a developer. I'd
be happy to sponsor uploads if needed.

Perfect. If we co-maintain sponsor uploads won't be generally needed, but its good to know you have time to sponsor in case I'm not around.


Lucas Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      .''`.
Buenos Aires, Argentina                : :ø :   Debian GNU/Linux
http://www.kadath.com.ar               `. `'  http://www.debian.org
PGP: 1024D/84FB46D6                      `-
     5D25 528A 83AB 489B 356A        http://people.debian.org/~lwall
     4087 BC9B 4733 84FB 46D6        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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