Hello Axel,

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 03:18:21PM +0100, Axel Dürrbaum wrote:
> the migration script fails when you are using local mail folders with
> Icedove/Thunderbird.
> At each start of thunderbird the migration script detects a newly (by
> Thunderbird itself)
> created directory "~/.icedove/Mail/LocalFolders" when you are using a "Local
> Folder" (like me)
> Then the script fails with the error message that both ".thunderbird" and
> ".icedove" exist.
> Just checking the existence of ".icedove" and ".thunderbird" does not seem to
> be enough.
> Soulution could be: before the migration grep the preference files for entries
> with the path ".icdove" and give the user a hint.
> Or create a file inside .thunderbird that informs the migration script that 
> the
> profile is aleady migrated.

this issue was fixed by the upload of 45.8.0-1.
Please retest against the current Thunderbird version in unstable.


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