Otto Kekäläinen:
>>> One way to make this an easier transition would be to have a
>>> mysql-server package in stretch that's a dummy package that depends
>>> on
>>> default-mysql-server, and that has an upgrade notice about the
>>> transition to mariadb that is happening.
> The transition is supposed to be automatic already.

that would be awesome if it was.

> Apparently it
> didn't quite work in your setup. Can you please describe your setup in
> details so that I can try to reproduce your upgrade and see how the
> packages interact? What packages did you have installed in Jessie?
> What repositories did you have enabled in Jessie? How did you upgrade,
> what repositories where enabled during the upgrade when you ran
> apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade? How do you know if mysql was
> or was not running after the upgrade, did you check with ps if you
> have any mysqld processes at all? Was there some errors in syslog or
> /var/log/mysql ?

I was testing the upgrade in an almost vanilla jessie VM that I had
created with vagrant. I installed "mysql-server", and then proceeded
with the install.
I didn't install "default-mysql-server" before the upgrade since I
wasn't tracking jessie-backports.

I was following this procedure (sorry it's a weird mixture of english
and french but you can probably make out most of it by looking at what
commands are there):

it's somewhat based on minimal downtime procedure here with added
convoluted steps to keep from upgrading the puppet client since our
master is not yet upgraded:

so after both the upgrade and dist-upgrade, I tried connecting with the
client and the server wasn't there. I unfortunately lost the package
list that I sent in my first failed attempt at opening this bug. but I
could reproduce and give you more info if you'd like.

from what I can remember, only the mysql-server-5.5 package was marked
as uninstalled.

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