One remark here for both bugs: IMO, the cache implementation and setup
in Jython as it is now is quite useless for Debian: If a normal user
runs Jython without setting python.cachedir to a user-writable location,
he will get warnings that he can't update the cache. If he is doing so,
he will not profit from the central cache.

The solution often found in the net (making the cache read/writable for
all users) is probably a security problem, since then anyone can
compromise the cache.

So, I would propose just to switch off the caching
(python.cachedir.skip=true), and let it up to the user to re-enable it
(with proper settings for his problem) if required. Anyway, two
modifications shold be done to resolve #857922 independent of this:

* change the cache dir to /var/cache/jython or similar, even if disabled
* clean up this cache when the package is removed/purged

Any thoughts here?

Best regards


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