Hello Simon,

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 11:21:38AM -0400, Simon Deziel wrote:
> On 03/17/2017 10:56 AM, Ulrike Uhlig wrote:
> > it's great that you provided modifications to the AppArmor profile in
> > Debian [1]! May I kindly ask you to send these upstream too? That way,
> > they will get reviewed first and then all other distributions using
> > AppArmor can profit from your improvements.
> Yes, thanks for adding useful bits to the profile. The commit [1]
> unfortunately has some formatting issues were the spaces are replaced
> with a special dot character. Aside from that, the diff looks good to me.
> > [1]
> > https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mozilla/icedove.git/commit/?h=debian/experimental&id=e2c8a2391c7b6d422f5df40682b8b19f08b88dcf

yes, while adding the changes accidentally dots were added were spaces
should be. This was fixed some commits later in the branch debian/sid.



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