Over in https://bugs.debian.org/810854, Guido wrote:

> Note that there's a WiP/Python3 branch at:
>     https://github.com/agx/git-buildpackage/tree/WiP/python3
> The main blocker why this hasn't happened yet is that
> +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL makes lots of the tests useless and I need find
> a proper solution to have doctests working and useful in Python2 and
> Python3.

if the blocker is making something portable that works in python2 and
python3, what about just ripping the band aid off and making
git-buildpackage python3-only?

git-buildpackage is the main thing that makes me keep python2 around on
my leaner development machines, and it would be great to just have it
make the switch to py3.


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