So there's loads of potential confusion with python-daemon and
python-lockfile sharing the same locations.

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/daemon/ is being blamed for
the traceback.

That file is a symlink to a file which exists in python-daemon.
python-daemon contains /usr/share/pyshared/daemon/version/
which I quoted in error.

python-lockfile provides another file of the same name in a different


The fix remains the same, downgrade python-lockfile to the version in
jessie and it all works.

Is this a conflict between a backport of python-lockfile and a lack of
an equivalent backport of python-daemon?

This would tie in with your assessment:
> I think the environment running the above code has an earlier
> ‘python-daemon’ using a later (incompatible) ‘python-lockfile’.

python-lockfile is later - from jessie-backports
python-daemon is earlier, the original jessie version (because there is
no backport of python-daemon).

That would explain why downgrading python-lockfile fixes the problem.


Neil Williams

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